slimfast diet help



  • MissDarlaDoll12
    MissDarlaDoll12 Posts: 27 Member
    I did Slimfast 20 years ago. Shake for breakfast, shake for lunch, and then dinner at Burger King. So no, it didnt work. Currently, I am doing a modified version of Atkins. While Atkins has worked for me in the past, I start to feel ill after a couple days of low carbs. I heard that low carb can cause kidney damage amongst other ailments. So now I alternate with one day on the required Induction carbs and the next day I eat about 50-60 carbs a day, sometimes more. I still lose weight either way and dont feel sick . I believe carbs are not all bad, they just need to be used wisely. I also use the Weight Watchers frozen meals occasionally. Learning how to make better food choices and exercising has been successful so far AND realizing its a lifestyle not a "diet".
  • MissDarlaDoll12
    MissDarlaDoll12 Posts: 27 Member
    I have and do use meal replacements. Here are some alternative choices I have learned. Drink lots of water. These are all about the same calories as a shake. If you dont feel full, drink some water.

    -A yoplait lite yogurt and a handful of almonds
    -A cheese stick and 2 slices of turkey lunchmeat
    -Graham cracker with a little bit of peanut butter(only if I am feeling strong enough to eat it out of the jar by the spoonfuls)
    - an egg and 2 turkey sausage links

    You could eat a skinless boneless chicken breast salad with lettuce, cauliflower, cukes, and a lite dressing and still be eating less calories than in a Slim fast shake.

    I always feel better after eating real food instead of a meal replacement. It was many years before I figured out portions, calories, and better choices.
  • cassieandjessie
    I tried the slimfast diet to kick-start my weight loss last year. I was on it just over a month and was really strict with it and lost 11lbs, none of which I have gained back, I have just continued on a weight loss of about 2lb per week. I felt great on it to be honest, no nasty side effects and I lost just under a stone, and massively reduced by bloated tummy!! It was difficult to stick too for the first few days but after that it was so easy. I would recommend it as a booster to weight loss, it motivates you to continue loosing weight but not to live on slimfast.
  • Krissy60687
    Krissy60687 Posts: 6 Member
    I totally get what you're saying.....Ive taken a college nutrition course and have been studying food for the last decade. I know what's good and what's not..and my normal meal for the day is most generally a healthy, balanced one... Its just for me, this is the only thing that has worked and I have tried EVERYTHING. I dont feel starved and replacing meals with shakes helps me from binge eating. Because if i start chewing something good, I can't just cut myself off. I figure once I get down to my goal weight, then I will up my calories to my BMR to sustain my weight. I don't think it will be too difficult to do for me.
  • Krissy60687
    Krissy60687 Posts: 6 Member
    That's awesome! Gives me hope and inspiration to know its worked so well for someone! I saw comments of people saying the shakes are "loaded" with sugar....but my blood glucose level has gone from a 150ish after fasting for 12 hrs, down to 109 2 hrs after having a shake AND half of a tuna salad sandwich. So this is a lot better than someone devouring sweets to satisfy them, ya know?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Sorry can't help you. I teach the SLIM SLOW diet.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    before I met my husband I lost 60lbs on it replacing 2 meals a day, I was never hungry, since then I have gained it back but am back on it for breakfast, also I did keep buying it the whole time I was gaining the weight back just not sticking to it the way I did the first time
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Here is my question: Will you continue to buy slim fast for the rest of your life and use it to replace meals?

    Sure? It's a tasty (IMO - but I like chocolate milk), filling, low carb (high protein ones), grab and go "meal" for under $1.50.
  • sweetv1smith
    sweetv1smith Posts: 21 Member
    She didn't ask to hear the downsides to the the Slimfast diet, she asked for help on the diet she was doing. Different things work for different people, no need to stomp on her parade. People who snipe topics like this is one of the reasons I left the MFP forums for a bit.

    The Slimfast diet was actually what I used to jumpstart my weightloss. OBVIOUSLY I didn't stay on it for more than a month or two but I lost 20 pounds before I had the motivation I needed to kick it into eating right and working out.

    Just make sure you have fruits and vegetables and healthy snacks in between the shakes! I did a shake for breakfast, snack, shake for lunch, snack and then a well-portioned healthy dinner. After a while, I exchanged the lunch shake for real food and then after even more time, got rid of the shakes all together. Worked for me! Have lost 80 pounds overall and owe my jumpstart to Slimfast.

    Thank God for you and your answer.

    I was asking for others who were also doing it so we could support each other not for people to tell me that there way is the only way. Different things work for different people and slim fast has worked for many. If you dont like Slim fast please start your own topic about that.

  • sweetv1smith
    sweetv1smith Posts: 21 Member
  • Marilyn2303
    Marilyn2303 Posts: 91 Member
    I haven't tried it but I have friends who do and really like it.
  • mrsmschn99
    I dont like slimfast(the taste of the shake)-but i do like the portions.... it makes me feel full all day long

    Eat 1 500 calorie meal....
    eat 2 200 calorie "meals"
    eat 3 100 calorie "meals"
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I will be trying Atkins diet (low carbs). Well excited! Had my first shake today and was great !! That is only 6 weeks diet but i know people who lost a lot of weight on it :)

    Me too. And they gained all the weight back plus more when they got sick of eating that way.
  • aeverson2
    I personally don't believe you should skip meals to loose weight. It's a pretty sure fire way to mess up your natural metabolism. I am not a super model nor do I proclaim that I know everything. But I do believe everything in moderation is healthy. It's ok to have a protein shake or a smoothie if you can't get to anything else, but lets face it what is actually in slimfast that you cant get by controlling portion sizes anyway. Your already controlling yourself just by drinking a 8-12 oz can for breakfast lunch and dinner.
  • NCVF
    NCVF Posts: 83 Member
    Here is my question: Will you continue to buy slim fast for the rest of your life and use it to replace meals? If not, why do it then? Isn't it smarter to learn how to eat correctly and exercise so you can sustain that lifestyle long term?

    It's much easier for some to use this as a transition.
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I wasn't able to stay on the slim fast diet, but I still use them in my diet. I usually have one every day with an apple for lunch. Keeps me satisfied until supper. Good luck !
  • kinkyvampire
    kinkyvampire Posts: 10 Member
    Slim fast is an okay diet but as long as you have the right mind set of wanting to eat healthy for your main meal as well. I am on the slimfast diet but I have put an app on my phone for the governments (UK) change for life repeices. They are really healthy and I plan to buy more fruit and veg as well as when I get to the weight I want I will be coming off of slimfast BUT I want to maintain a healthy diet. I think it is bad for people if they think of it as a quick get away.
  • Ash0808
    She didn't ask to hear the downsides to the the Slimfast diet, she asked for help on the diet she was doing. Different things work for different people, no need to stomp on her parade. People who snipe topics like this is one of the reasons I left the MFP forums for a bit.

    The Slimfast diet was actually what I used to jumpstart my weightloss. OBVIOUSLY I didn't stay on it for more than a month or two but I lost 20 pounds before I had the motivation I needed to kick it into eating right and working out.

    Just make sure you have fruits and vegetables and healthy snacks in between the shakes! I did a shake for breakfast, snack, shake for lunch, snack and then a well-portioned healthy dinner. After a while, I exchanged the lunch shake for real food and then after even more time, got rid of the shakes all together. Worked for me! Have lost 80 pounds overall and owe my jumpstart to Slimfast.

    Thank God for you and your answer.

    I was asking for others who were also doing it so we could support each other not for people to tell me that there way is the only way. Different things work for different people and slim fast has worked for many. If you dont like Slim fast please start your own topic about that.

    Last year I used Slimfast just before a holiday away and Christmas. I have been able to keep the weight off - and lost another 2 pounds watching what i eat & calorie counting. I have now reached a plateau - and can't seem to drop the last 6 pounds or so. So I have decided to go back onto Slimfast next week, but I wanted to know how many calories I should be having every day - as I think the 321 meal plan is 1280, & I have seen here that people often advise to increase the calories when you hit a brick wall.