thickerella Member


  • I have a trainer. If this is a quick fix, then I've been doing something wrong. To me it is more like a lot of sweat and sitting down afterwards feeling like I am going to die. Not to mention muscles so sore I can barely move.
  • My workouts go much better if I have something to eat first, preferably my big carb of the day. If I go empty I bonk, hard.
  • I've lost 40lbs and only 1 cup size so far. Perhaps you're losing there and it isn't evident in your bra yet. I don't necessarily want my boobs to get smaller, but I would love it if they got perkier.
  • This is how you can bike with a 5yo and work up a sweat. It's what we do with mine. He LOVES it.
  • There's no way anyone can really possibly know what is going on with you, but it sounds a lot like being pregnant. I would get the most INTENSE food aversions during my pregnancy. If you're not pregnant, then perhaps a hormone imbalance is to blame. Any changes in your birth control? Have your doctor test your progesterone…
  • If you're not losing weight you need to suck it up and go to the doctor. Sure, you can SAY you can't afford it, but think of it this way: Can you afford to have your money-making machine break down because you "could not afford" maintenance? You've already said that you could lose your source of income due to your weight.…
  • I skip breakfast for the same reasons, but drinking a large coffee helps keep me from getting too hungry as long as I eat before 2:00pm. If I go past that, I turn into a monster.
  • I agree with you to a point. If you feed your kids nothing but calorie dense junk food, they will gain weight no matter what. That said, kids can get away with eating a higher percentage of calories per pound than adults because they are GENERALLY much more active. As I stated earlier, sometimes my 5yo eats more than I do,…
  • My son is a healthy weight, but I have kept an eye on his weight because *I* weigh so much. It is hard to know what a child's needs are calorically because they sometimes need more during growth spurts. There are time when my 5yo can eat more than me and my fiancee combined. The key to keeping a child at a healthy weight…
  • I am a knee-injury veteran. I cracked the patella in a car accident. Tore my meniscus and hyper-extended my ACL in a skating accident. In Jan, I hyper-extended again and sprained it badly. So when I give you this advice, please know that I know what I am talking about. DO NOT GO BACK TO THE GYM UNTIL YOU ARE FULLY…
  • I am, but people don't take me seriously because I don't have a road bike. I love my bike though. I want to put more miles on it.
  • Using a food scale for solids and measuring cups for liquids is a lot more accurate than anything else you have available to you without a lab, and are a vital tool in getting a solid grip on what a "portion size" really is. I highly recommend their use to anyone who is struggling to lose weight. As for calorie burn, if…
  • As someone who is over 300lbs, I never "snapped" or thought "Wow, I want to be 300lbs!" or any of that. I gained over 100lbs when I was in a long, unhealthy, emotionally abusive relationship. I finally got my crap together, ended the relationship, lost weight, went back to school, and was moving up in my career when I was…
  • So far some cottage cheese and pineapple. Will follow up with grapes and apple slices later when the 3pm munchies hit.
  • A lot of people on your forum post are recommending that you fight back, either with words or actions. DON'T. Trust me. You CANNOT WIN THAT WAY. If you attack them verbally, someone will step up to defend them. Doesn't matter that they've been bullying you for months, it just makes YOU look bad. It also won't make them…
  • Forget what I said. Cheese. I fracking love cheese. And peanut butter.
  • For me: "You're just like your mother!" If we weren't already fighting, we would be after that.
  • Even if she appreciates the compliment, the next time she is there at the same time you are, she's going to be hyper-aware that you're LOOKING at her and it will make her uncomfortable. Best to leave her to her business and admire in silence.
  • Thanks! It's good to hear from people with personal experience!
  • Is there a way to modify lunges that doesn't require you to bend your toes? My toes don't work on the weak leg.
  • Maybe one day! Is there a machine for assisted squats? I can't hold my own body weight on my weak leg.
  • I bought that book, but I am disappointed because I can't do a lot of the exercises listed in it due to my disability. I can't bend my toes and I can't do any lifts that puts a lot of my weight ON my toes. I'm also struggling to work around post-injury weakness. The whole reason I have a trainer is so he can help me modify…
  • Thank you! I am in the category of - I was fat but STRONG 4 years ago before I was in an accident where I was disabled. Now I want to be strong again. I have very low muscle tone, especially in the leg that was injured.
  • So far I have been doing lifting and cardio but my personal trainer has me at high reps/ low weights, and I really think I'd like to do it the other way around. Maybe I'm just a wuss, though, and want to make the whole thing shorter.
  • As a survivor of sexual abuse, I understand completely and share your concerns. I get VERY uncomfortable with overt sexual attention unless it is from an approved party (see my intentionally unflattering profile pic?) and I don't like being touched. I agree that therapy may be a good place to start. In the mean time, wear…
  • I don't know how much you weigh, but you want to keep in mind that most aluminum frames have a max weight of about 220lbs. This is something I had to deal with when looking for a bike that could hold me at 350lbs. If you get a bike, make sure it is a quality brand and has a STEEL frame. You also may want to upgrade the…
  • I do! I've already lost 32, 168 to go! Currently I am at 1500 Cals a day. I plan to up my cals once I get under 300lbs to 1800 a day. I need to get under 300 in the hopes of reducing the pain on my injured foot.
  • Pinky dinky dooo! Also, I have lost 30lbs as of today!