

  • So many people don't even put in their daily exercise because they don't want to eat more. They think it is cheating and they will gain weight, but they will just store it as fat because their body doesn't know when the next meal is. I have seen it and done it myself. Your right, we need to fuel our bodies before and after…
  • Very well said! So many people don't even put in their daily exercise because they don't want to eat more. They think it is cheating and they will gain weight, but they will just store it as fat because their body doesn't know when the next meal is. I have seen it and done it myself. Your right, we need to fuel our bodies…
  • I don't agree with the people who don't log in their workouts for the day simply because our bodies need extra calories on the days we workout. A BIG problem with diets besides proper nutrition are people aren't getting enough calories (healthy calories) so their body is storing all it can which causes platues or even…