
  • Remember that a dairy allergy is lactose, casein and whey so you have to look for all three ingredients. Unfortunately, some packaging labeled dairy free, will still contain casein. Soy products like cheese often contain casein. Dairy free isn't so bad, honest. There are lots and lots of options, so I'm sure you'll find…
  • I also have allergies, including gluten and dairy. I feel your pain....literally and figuratively. It's "easy" to avoid one or the other but the combo does make things more complicated. However, it's certainly easy most days. Yes, eating out is difficult, but not impossible. I check out things online before I go. Most of…
  • Normal. Same thing happened to me. It was as difficult if not more so to kick the aspartame habit as it was to kick the caffeine habit. I had nasty headaches and generally felt unwell for at least a week or two. But it's worth it. That stuff is nasty with a capital "N".