

  • I'm 5'3" and am a natural DDD....I suffer from a lot of back and neck problems as a result. I think that if you decide to go with the breast implants, a C might be too large considering your figure. Any larger than that, and you'll for sure have problems, but keep in mind that if you go bigger, you clothes will have to go…
  • I am just getting over a REALLY BAD sprained ankle. I fell down some stairs 2 weeks ago, tomorrow, and I am already back to biking and rollerblading. My healing technique was certainly not "typical," but that is because we do a lot of holistic therapy in my house. I used about 5 essential oils, applied to the swollen area,…
  • I have a creeper ex as well. Although I've tried to tell myself 100x that he "means well," its honestly getting a little out of hand. He calls at least once a week to "check-in," drunk dials me at 2am, facebook messages me, and invites himself into plans that weren't supposed to include him. The tough part is, we have a…
  • Count me in! PLEASE! I could really use some accountability people.