

  • I'm in with you. It's just been real busy. It was good to put conscious thought into my oils this week.
  • I'm in with the healthy oils. Making the conscious effort to get them in will really help me. I honestly don't think about them which means I'm not getting them. Ideas that have worked for me in the past: - drizzling on salad or vegetables for grilling - adding it to my smoothie, milk boost or cottage cheese Have a great…
  • Ok, the blue part WAS the cake. Had a small piece.I was all set to just go for it, savor it, enjoy it. I found myself thinking how crazy sweet it tasted...ended up leaving a couple of bites. The killer was the pizza at almost 300 calories a slice and I had two. A great day though, especially watching William go crazy over…
  • Today is William's birthday so I am super excited and can't wait to have some Batman cake...(I"m staying away from the blue parts). Im doing so good keeping up with my points and calories. I have the oatmeal each morning which gets in my whole grain and milk for the day. I have the Fiber One bar for the afternoon munchie…
  • Tough, tough, tough!!! Do I count the Fiber One chocolate bar as a sweet?
  • I think that I've rebounded from the "plague" (as my grandson called it). I definitely did good on the water and am planning to keep it up. I"m off to Nashville for a birthday celebration (William #5). So that will count as 1. This is going to be tough. Have a great day everyone!
  • Hi dear friend Brandy. I am Annette. I live in Houston. I'm a retired high school Math teacher. I love to crochet and be with my 6 grandchildren. I need to lose 60 pounds also. Since getting an I phone I have found MFP. Let's do this. Water it is.