

  • I don't think a man should necessarily get a gift in return. I believe that gifts should be unconditional. all gifts. that you shouldn't expect anything in return when giving a gift. That said, i wanted to pay for my husband's wedding ring. A few weeks after he bought me an engagement ring, I bought him a wedding ring. And…
  • I think it would be best if you saw a physical therapist. I've been to one and they're great about planning exercises for you according to your abilities and condition. Good luck!
  • I have the opposite problem! I'm recently engaged and we picked out a beautiful ring together. But I'm so far from my goal it's not even funny. There's no way I can loose a significant amount of weight in a healthy way by the wedding date. We're getting married in late July and I'm 50 lbs away from my goal! Yikes!!! I'm…
  • Hard boiled eggs are great because you can prep ahead of time and grab them in the morning. I think it's advisable to have some kind of slice of bread or cracker in the morning, even if it's carbs. First thing in the morning it's actually good. Hard boiled egg, banana, and a travel size cottage cheese + 1 slice bread or…
  • I agree that men carry weight differently. They have much different body shapes, and body fat distribution.