

  • i can tell you that i just do visalus and exercise coupled with watching calories with my fitness pal - are you interested in trying visalus out? message me if you are!
  • Hey, can I add you? I'd love to have some accountability! My husband is my only friend on here so far - hah! Also, I wanted to tell you that if you are a chocolate girl, you can find unsweetened chocolate almond breeze in the shelf-stable milk section and it is DELISH with vi in it!
  • lovin' the vi life, folks! i plan on using it indefinitely!
  • oh yes, almond milk is the way to go for SURE. i started with 12 and worked my way down over the first couple of weeks - it's hard at first, but now i have no prob just having an 8oz (vanilla unsweetened) almond milk shake w a little instant coffee. starts my day off right! 4lbs is great - congratulations!!!:glasses: