

  • I'm in Central Oregon right now, but have lived in Southern California, Seattle, Central California, Virginia, Las Vegas, and Portland, Oregon.
  • I'm really frustrated with myself right now. I know what I need to do. I just keep making poor decisions - I *know* junk food will make me feel like junk. I *know* that the more fruit and veg I eat, the better I will feel and the more weight I will lose. But at work, it has just been too easy to get mac and cheese or fried…
  • I need to lose at least 55, maybe more. Feel free to add me! It's going to be a long journey. :drinker:
  • Thanks so much for sharing! This recipe looks great, and so do quite a few others from that blog!
  • I'm definitely on a high this week. I feel like I am finally back in the weight loss zone. After I had my son in 2011, I did really well to get some weight off - I lost almost 30 pounds. 2012 was filled with one life challenge after another and I just couldn't keep it together, I felt like we really couldn't catch a break.…
  • I have a constantly changing schedule, so I try and work out in the morning before i have to be at work. I'm doing the couch to 5k running program, and on my off days I try to do some yoga on my wii fit. My son is not quite 2, so I can plop him in the stroller and take him with me when I run, but I prefer to do yoga before…
  • I hope people will find us too!!
  • Both work and fun. I don't work in the wine biz currently, but I'm thinking of starting a little consulting business on the side. :)
  • I'll play! I'm new to this board, so hi everyone! 1. I have lived in 5 different states - Utah, California, Washington, Nevada, and Oregon 2. I have a Bachelor's degree in biological Psychology, am a certified Sommelier, and have a degree in restaurant management 3. I'm obsessed with Fantasy Football and the show The League
  • Hi everyone! I'm 30, have an awesome son and hubby. I want to lose weight and get healthier before adding more little ones to our family. I have quite a bit to lose, and I know I'll need encouragement!