

  • haha i bet! Hope you don't have septic ;)
  • if you are hungry eat, but if you get the munchies try to distract yourself. I personally will crochet while watching TV, that keeps my hands, eyes, and ears busy and I don't think as much about food.
  • at least I know I'm not alone! I wonder sometimes if it's hormonal but AF isn't due for some time so I don't think that's it. I am craving salty stuff too, of course, the worst stuff!
  • I used to have a smaller bladder too but I think i have developed a nurses bladder. 5 years on a cardiac floor when I may be lucky to pee once in my 8 hour shift! now I'm at a desk job but I think I must have stretched it out enough that I don't have to go that often ;)
  • you go to the bathroom 10 times a day? that seems like an awful lot. I drink a ton of water and I don't even go that much LOL My little habbit is that I never leave the house without a bottle of water. My kids have developed the same habbit. Drives my husband batty but it's healthy so he can't really justify complaining ;)
  • Just a word of caution about melatonin. It is not meant to be taken long term. Your body will stop producing it by itself and you will become dependant on it. Just a caution. Benadryl has been aproved as a sleep aid. We often give it to patients in the hospital to help them sleep. It is the "pm" ingredient in Tylenol PM…
  • thanks :) I won't be doing any form of WLS ever. This was enough to sour me from it. I think I can do this on my own, finally. I'm just really wanting faster results ;) The surgeon that did my lap band won't do them anymore either. I don't think there are too many left in my area who will.
  • Thanks for your input :) It makes me feel a little better. I'm a bit afraid of food lately so I think that's leading me to this conclusion. Everyone has been telling me I need to eat more, but I just don't want to Like I said before. I will try to find healthy ways to increase my caloric intake. More nuts!
  • two stomachs! Wow! I'm sure that was excruciating !!! I don't know why it broke but the how is the tubing that goes from the port to the band fractured and was basically flapping around in my insides for a few days until the right person figured out what was wrong with me. 4 days inpatient with a dilaudid drip :( Deedlyn…
  • thanks. I got a TDEE of 2695 and a BMR of 1739 so the BMR is lower, that's still alot of calories isn't it? I calculated the TDEE with the lower end of exercise and came up with a TDEE of 2390 so either way the #s are higher than I thought. If I have to eat more I will but I really don't want to :(
  • I don't know what TDEE is? I'm 5'3 and weigh 220 female. I work out cardio either at the gym or walking the dog 45-60 min about 5/6 days a week I aim for 7 but that doesn't always happen. Cardio for me is eliptical or treadclimber. not running or anything hardcore, but it's more than I used to do, which was nothing :D And…
  • bumping this up because it got burried fast LOL
  • I know this isn't really an answer to your question, but have you tried giving up chocolate ? I am the worlds biggest Chocoholic but I realized it is a trigger food for me, causing me to crave other foods after I have eaten it. What I had to do was go "cold tukey" Let me tell you that was one of the hardest things I've…
  • me too, welcome and good luck
  • I love this perspective, never thought of it like that :)