

  • I ask myself the same question. Back in high school, I was between an 18 & 22 but now I wear between a size 6 & 8. Psychologically, I feel like I am still bigger and that clothes probably have lower numbers than what their actual size is. I look in the mirror and still see my flaws. When will I come to realize my actual…
  • At week 4, you probably were thrown out of ketosis by eating the carbs then went back in a day or two later. Its interesting, I actually work in a clinic that has IP and thats how I learned about it. I've been on the program since Mothers Day and had my first real (major) cheat last week. I went into phase 3 but really…
  • Scales need to be balanced meaning set to zero when there is no weight on it. Old school scales have a way and electronic scales have a way. If you have the manual's that came with them, look to see how to zero it out before you believe you gained 20lbs in one day. Its possible to gain that in a week, in a month, but in…
  • Consider drinking water anytime you feel hungry or feel like snacking. The body often mistakes thirst for hunger. Also, water fills you up so if you do snack, you will be full faster.