When do you stop feeling fat



  • neversettle
    neversettle Posts: 168 Member
    I find that I am more self conscious now of how I look in my clothes than I was 4 months ago when I was 40+ pounds heavier. Its strange and makes no sense to me. Ive noticed lately that my friends have been noticing me adjusting my clothes or whatever, and will say things like "Stop... you look GREAT."
  • First of all, congratulations! good job! all I can say is that is amazing and I bet you look great! keep your chin up, it's really hard to ever stop having the insecurity when it comes to that, my partner had lost a lot of weight and was now fitting in a size 2 and 4 and was ALWAYS complaining about how fat she was and how she needed to lose just 5 to 10 more pounds :explode: that made me SO angry especially since all my life I have been a size 14, it made me feel sad, and ashamed of myself... :brokenheart:

    We recently had a baby and with the pregnancy, she got to my size and was so upset, she got on a diet when she stopped breasfeeding, so about 3 months ago, and has almost dropped all her weight! so I gave in and started doing it with her.
    I lost a couple pant sizes and still feel so big! even bigger than before... so now I finally get it, I understand her now... it's horrible though... I just wish it would go away! and she still views herself like a size 14 when she is already down to 5-6...

    I guess it just doesn't go away... but cheer up! you did amazing!! :flowerforyou:
  • I ask myself the same question. Back in high school, I was between an 18 & 22 but now I wear between a size 6 & 8. Psychologically, I feel like I am still bigger and that clothes probably have lower numbers than what their actual size is. I look in the mirror and still see my flaws. When will I come to realize my actual size? Today my mother and I went dress shopping for an upcoming event and I bought a size 6, but still, I feel that I am much bigger. :(
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    im on day# 868, i went from a 24W to a 7/8. (im 5'10)

    as far as my brain is concerned, the XS tee on my bed was a very not funny joke that i played on myself. Nevermind that it fits, my brain refuses to believe Im half what I was.

    After I hit the 60 lb loss mark, my self esteem started to tank because I didnt deal with any of my real issues that my weight problem had been hiding, and I suddenly felt so exposed and vulnerable.

    Ive decided to spend the remainder of my time as a fatty dealing with the issues that make me one, and hopefully I will be in a much better state of mind-existence to be able to handle my smaller body as it develops.

    OMG I think I just found my first ever forum post O_O
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I stopped feeling fat when I started falling in love with my body..... I LOVE my pointy elbows, I LOVE seeing the bones in my feet, I LOVE my collarbone, I LOVE my hands and I LOVE MY SKINNY LITTLE LEGS :)

    ok so now I think I'm awesome..... bring on the haters :):flowerforyou:
  • I have no idea and I was never 'fat'.. I gained lots of weight while pregnant so after I had the baby technically I was I suppose. Before I got pregnant I was a lot larger than I am now (wore US size 9 jeans and now I wear between a US size 0 and 00) . It's hard for me because I'm still the same shape that I didn't like when I was bigger. The areas I didn't like are smaller but so is the rest of me so it evens out and I feel fat. I'm not (5' 6" 119lbs) and sometimes I feel good but most of the time I don't feel great.
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I think it depends. I have lost all of my weight and sometimes I still feel that way especially like now when not caring for me.
  • kalawhon
    kalawhon Posts: 162 Member
    Like a lot of people stated, I believe its something you really wont get over. I lost the last bit of my baby weight and toned up a lot but still feel fat on some days, I'm not happy with certian areas of my body but I know that I should be proud. It's all in the head. lol
    You did wonderful to lose that much weight! Good for you!!!! You look amazing, not many people can accomplish what you have done!!
  • Oops didn't mean to post again