You stated that a 230 pound man doesn't need to eat under 1800 calories! How is one supposed to take that? You didn't put statistics in only a brief statement that would be taken in the context you stated it in.
Assumption hits again, I actually knew OP was a regular poster from reading it on a friends page mister know it all.
Are you kidding me? So if a 5'5 man at 40% body fat that sits on his *kitten* all day would need more calories than 1800? You full specs before you spit out your opinion about how much calories should be taken in daily! If he was 230 pound at 6% BF I'd agree but seriously? Lack full information on the person you can't make…
I Would HAVE gotten all of the apple puts lol
yE$ will power in action! Well done.
- the saying goes "don't hate the player, hate the game" it is to Lally not McDonald's fault for making money on people's bad eating choices!
how do you post photos here? Ty
Good job getting it done
If you just started, my advice is to take it slow as these forums can become overwhelming. good luck.
I would eat a whole pizza if I ordered it the way I like it lol, the biggest it comes. But I'd get sick for sure lol.
64 ounce ribeye steak medium rare topped with bacon, gorgonzola cheese, sauteed mushrooms and onions, a side of bacon and cheese stuffed jalapeños, mochi with azuki beans, anything cooked in sweet cream butter, all varieties of gourmet cheeses. anything fatty I guess lol, I'm not a big sugar eater but fat and bad carbs…
Not locked
20 pages lol
Why..u mad? LoL , I'm proud of my health and the example I set for my children, so you can hate all you
are you a plant because I guess if you are plant then yes carbon dioxide is healthy otherwise maybe you need some comprehension skills before you start quoting on stuff and maybe my grammar needs work but that's life, anyways you go ahead and think that carbon dioxide is healthy for humans because like I stated it's…
Yes we exhale carbon dioxide because our body is discarding it as does our body discards our waste, as trees and plants may breathe carbon dioxide it is poisonous to humans it's simple chemistry fact, if a human consistently breathes in carbon dioxide the human will die. How do you not know this ? all I stated was that co2…
Proven Fact:soda cause kidney problems and other health issues so how can anyone say that they are healthy while consuming carbonate drinks which comes from Co2? Poison to your body. LOL
LOL I've worked hard to get in the physical condition I'm in so no need to preach to me lol, and OBVIOUSLY THE MORE YOU EAT HEALTHY AND THE MORE YOU EXERCISE THE HEALTHIER YOU WILL BE. That's all I have to say! interpret it however you want.
I'll thow up if I run 10 k regardless of apples lol
Health food definition= refined sugar, saturated fat, salt etc. Healthy food examples: egg yolks, pizza, cake, bacon, chicharone, cheese, icecream, hot pockets, frozen burritos, all microwave foods, canned fruit in heavy syrup, heavy cream, white bread, cheesecake, cookies including cookie dough, brownies, candy, cake…
I have to agree there is totally such a thing as unhealthy and healthy foods lol, icecream, pizza , etc in moderation won't kill you but is far from healthy...Sorry buddy.