

  • PLEASE tell me you're kidding!!
  • Jake Owen tickets and Kindle Fire were for me! And /I/ won the $3.500 my dear!!
  • Seriously? This girl comes to US looking for ideas to help her change this way of thinking and all you can say is seek professional help? Not everyone can afford to pay for a nutritionist and such to help with these things. Hell, I know I can't!
  • It will pass! I HATED eating when I first started on MFP and it was frustrating and stressful. How I got over it was to change how I thought about it. I was saying that I could ONLY eat the calories that I had. Instead, I changed it to more of an incentive to work out. "If I go on this walk I will be able to reward myself…
  • I am having the same problem!! Have you figured it out yet???