

  • I tried the HCG Diet about a year ago for 6 months. Lost 15 pounds! Felt extremely weak every day. Had a head cold the whole time. Headaches were really bad. Couldn't even enjoy the pounds that I lost. Got off the program and I kid you not....I gained those 15 pounds right back in 4 days! They need to take that off the…
  • Eat the Fruit! It keeps me regulated!
  • Skinny Ms Slowcooker is on facebook. She also has Skinny Ms. Fitness as well.
  • Everyone is different. You have to find what works for you. I thought that 1200 would work for me, but in fact 1500 works better for me. I have lost over 5 pounds since I have started eating more. (a week ago) When I was eating less, I was just maintaining. Go figure! I also tried the HCG diet and that is only 500 calories…