

  • I appreciate your advice, I will up my calories! I've been eating 1200 and burning about 300 5x per week and not eating back calories. I will ease into adding my calories back into my diet
  • Thanks for the advice. I'm not trying to really lose weight, just see some better results with my workout!
  • No I haven't I will check that out!
  • I appreciate all of your posts! I will work on increasing my weights as well. Any diet tips on cutting body fat? Or just increasing calorie intake while increasing my weight lifting? Although I'm tall, I'm pretty small framed and naturally thin just have the HARDEST time getting any cut or seeing any change in my body.…
  • Thoughts?? I would like any advice on dieting. I am a 22yr old female. 5'10", 137 lbs. I am trying to build muscle and most importantly reduce body fat. I have had my calorie goal at 1240 a day, but now realizing that may be too low and impacting my progress. I work out about 5 days a week with a good mix of cardio,…