Msgorgeous83 Member


  • Juicing is very beneficial as blending. You have to reuse and recycle. I juice and the left over pulp I turn in to a blending shake (fiber) for later in the day (only with some recipes). I just started and I enjoy it, it makes eating veggies easier for me and my husband who wouldn't eat them otherwise. It just adds a…
  • How do you girls log your insanity workouts?
  • This will be a challenge! I have some drinking to do... :grumble:
  • My first week was good. Keeping the counting going and staying on track. My motivation is keep moving! I couldn't get to the gym this weekend but instead I cleaned, cleaned the carpets, moved heavy furniture here and there and kept moving. I was able to still go out to eat this weekend but I was very ALERT to my…
  • ADD ME! I need to really put myself out there and do this. I've gained 20lbs since July and have been down because of it, but NOT NO MORE! I've joined the gym, zumba and started counting calories. LETS DO THIS! (i'm new at this)