Monday Challenge!!



  • Kelin
    Kelin Posts: 49 Member
    I had a great week and weekend! Down 3.8 pounds from last Monday! We did some "fall cleaning" and spent 5 hours working in the yard and cleaning the house. Burned lots of calories! Feeling great!
  • MrsBiscoe
    MrsBiscoe Posts: 177 Member
    I have been doing my resistance cord workouts plus some low impact step aerobics, I have not lost any weight yet:frown: , but i did lose about a half an inch of my waist. I guess I will keep this up; I think my body is slow at burning the calories or it could be my thyroid. I am drinking more water :drinker: trying to do those 8 glasses a day.
  • Msgorgeous83
    Msgorgeous83 Posts: 5 Member
    My first week was good. Keeping the counting going and staying on track. My motivation is keep moving! I couldn't get to the gym this weekend but instead I cleaned, cleaned the carpets, moved heavy furniture here and there and kept moving. I was able to still go out to eat this weekend but I was very ALERT to my consumption and calories and made sure that I saved calories for that! So just making myself accountable to myself is a huge start! I'm one pound down this week so I'm a happy camper!
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I had a good week and weekend. I stayed under my cals, I made through the week with no candies, I started exercising, did 150 mins out of 90 planned, burned 1091 cals out of 690 planned (I don't do much usially) and lost 3 lbs (YAY).

    Thanks everyone for starting this group and for all the support :)
  • chaNyn613
    chaNyn613 Posts: 112 Member
    I had a pretty good week but the most telling part was staying on track this weekend. I usually spend m-f repenting for s/s. But this time no repenting necessary. I met yesterday's challenge to make my menus out. I have my lunched packed for MTW and Wednesday night I will prepare Th and Fri lunches.
  • lglahti
    lglahti Posts: 8 Member
    My week was great I set a goal to cut out bread, pop, and chips. I did it :happy: . I went above my calorie intake on most days but I feel better knowing it was from eating healthy. My weekend was good up until Sunday, I had 2 hockey games yesterday and with hockey comes beer and bar food after the games. So eventhough I burned mega calories I still sabotoged that by having too many carbs and deep fried foods! My goals for this week are increase water intake, and keep my carbs to a minimum. I feel so much better when I'm not weighed down by all the carbs. Good luck to everyone!!!
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    My week was not so great. My weekly goals include 3 hours of exercise and being under cals at least 5 days. For week 1 I got in 30 minutes of exercise and under on cals 2 days. :noway: So slack. But starting this week off right. Trying to plan my meals out ahead of time. The hardest thing for me is not calling in an order somewhere after work. Around here that's chinese, mexican or country cooking. I hate to cook especially since it's just me. It's much easier to pick something up. I need to get back to the grocery store sometime this week too.

    Like I said -- starting the week off right. I know what I'm having for dinner and I plan on getting the c25k in right after work.
  • I had a pretty good week, I logged in my food and stayed below calorie most of the week, I did extra work out and I lost 1.4 pounds.
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    Not a great week for me.. My family has had a terrible chest cough and my baby is teething so sleep has been at a minimum. I have not worked out to give my body time to head and so the cough doesn't become worse. I am eager to get back to it but know i don't want to make it worse and be out longer. Hopefully I can get back this week. One positive-I only had 3 pieces of Halloween candy so far :)
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    My past week was a total bomb! I sabotaged everything by overeating and overindulging! So with a renewed sense of "I can do it" and finally taking a responsible approach, I am starting this week out on the right foot and that even meant getting out of bed and exercising this morning!
  • Alotalove4u
    Alotalove4u Posts: 67 Member
    Great Job!!, Now put that weight loss on you tracker.. It's showing a big fat zero....
  • lisadekk
    lisadekk Posts: 37 Member
    I too did not have a good weekend for meals. Ate out and made bad choices.
    So glad today is a new day...I will make better choices today and be sure to get a workout in!
    Weighin is Wednesday am - time to kick it in gear.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    just joined. my week was 50/50.

    i completed 67 miles, which is the furthest i have gone so far.
    i overate almost everyday, which defeats all the miles i put in.

    hoping to get my food under control this week.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    My week was less than stellar!! However, the kids finished up their sports so I have no excuses this week. I'm working on my meal plan for the week now and WILL get in a workout tonight!!
  • hoppybit
    hoppybit Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined. My week wasn't so good. Hurricaine Sandy (I'm in Boston) meant I was at home with nothing to do except try not to eat. Also it was my 52nd birthday and there has been dinner out and cake. I have gained back 1 lb this week. Will use this group to motivate me back on the treadmill. Don't forget to vote tomorrow!
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    i had started my personal plan before i joined this group last week and unfortunately this wasnt my best week. my worse day was Halloween and thats cuz i went to my sisters house and she had pizza and brownies....and weak :(
    However, i did rediscover how much i actually do enjoy going to the gym. Went three days straight and want to make tonite day 4. i do eat out however instead of ordering value meals, i just order the main item, no fries or drinks, and eat at work with water. i do want to improve my sleep habit because i only get about 6 hours of sleep everynite. i just cant seem to go to sleep before 11p!!

    this week we will all make progress together!!
  • MonkeeAnne
    MonkeeAnne Posts: 17 Member
    Yay! I made it through week one! 6 pounds down! I know this first week is alot of water weight and such, but I am SOOOOOOO happy to see that scale below 160! Just the motivation I need to keep going! I need to step up the exercise, but I am so thankful that I am doing so well on the diet part! Yay me! Keep it up everyone!
  • susannegreen
    susannegreen Posts: 48 Member
    I did not exercise last week, and I plan to this week!! We went to the grocery store, and are set for the week! Woot!