

  • You only get heavier when you put things into your body. Water, food/etc. If you drink more than you sweat, you will weigh more. If your 'team leader' thinks that you can go do an activity, take in no water/food, and weigh more after that activity, then she is probably a middle school dropout. I agree with the above…
  • I never dehydrate myself and I always drink water throughout the day !! So that's not my problem ! But I done 2 hours of exercise this morn without water as my team leader said previously not to drink the day of weigh in and I still put on weight lol After exercise I went straight to get weighed . I will not go to the gym…
  • Thanks for the encouragement brandy much appreciated !! This time I am giving it a right go and completely dedicated to making this work !! Ok I will continue to drink 1-2 litres a day as norm. !! Im eating my goal cals and just about all my exercise cals is this right ?? Just trying to pin point if I done anything wrong…
  • Just hard to keep myself motivated since I worked hard ate the right things n put on weight ??? Can't understand y ?? Just knocked my confidence a little !! Then this team leader at weight watchers just tells me alot of non sense and can't give me any real helpfull advice ?? I will try weighing myself from now on not have…
  • I just weigh myself on the weight watchers scales as I know two different scales two different weights how odd x
  • So should you not drink water the day before you get weighed ? I usually drink at least 1 litre of water a day because I do the gym and I need it. ! Team leader is a bit of a loser n keep hitting me with lame answers that she can't explain , just random pointless facts ? Any ideas to tackle water retention before weigh in…
  • What do you enter into the cardio section do you just count an exercise which covers 360 cal
  • Thank for your replies :-) How do you add it to your exercise calories because when I put in the weights I do at the pump class in the strength section it doesn't count for any calories or am I doing it all wrong ?????
  • Hi guys thanks for your input I have now added you as friends :-) I love this site already at least I can count my calories and know exactly what I've eaten x Ok I will continue to count my calories and eat my exercise calories as I'm hungry for them anyways ! It's such a great app!! I'll weigh myself next week and see if…
  • Hi Martin Thanks for the welcome !! What's your progress been on MFP?