That's what I used to set my calories at 1500! I recalculated based on my new weight and now it says my maintenance caloric intake should be 2086, so that means I should be eating 1669 calories a day, which is pretty close to what I have been doing. Also thanks for coming to my defense about the "muscle weighs more than…
Revisiting this, sorry to bring it up again. I started aiming for 1500 calories a day, not eating exercise calories back. I'm still working out with a trainer twice a week, plus running or hiking two days a week. My appetite is going nuts so I end up eating more like 1700 calories a day, I think my maintenance is supposed…
Retaining five pounds of water at my size and not getting any bigger seems... unlikely. It's likely that it isn't all muscle, but water doesn't make you stronger and I am much, MUCH stronger, to the point where my trainer has been commenting on how impressed she is with how much stronger I am. I don't enter my workouts…
If it's not muscle, I have no idea what it is :( I don't think it's water -- that has come and gone a few times over after intense workouts. I don't know how I could be gaining fat, I'm eating less than my BMR. I feel stronger, my boyfriend says I look leaner, but I don't see it and the scale keeps going up. This is…
I am pretty sure the gain is from putting on muscle mass though! Do I really need more protein if I've put on 3 lbs of muscle (or more if I have lost ANY weight from fat) in two weeks? I'll definitely up my calories. I'll try increasing protein too and see what happens...
I'm just aiming to get back to what I weighed around this time last year. I miss my old clothes! About 45% of my calories are from carbohydrates, about 40% from fat, and about 15% from protein. I have a sugar problem, an awful lot of my calories are coming from ice cream and overly-sweetened yogurt. I also have one or two…
I'm not sure, but it was a lot. I changed jobs in January. Previously I was doing biomedical research, under a lot of stress and not eating much during the day. Now I work at a startup that has catered meals every day and lots and lots of junkfood everywhere. Since changing jobs in January, I've gained about 8 lbs. Thanks,…
I'm 5'2" and I fluctuated between 115 and 116 lbs before I started any attempt to lose weight. I'd like to be between 105 and 108. As of this morning, I am at 118.
Thanks for the input! I'm being very careful to avoid overestimating calories burned during workouts -- if anything, I think I'm underestimating. I also tend to end up coming short of my 1200 net calorie goal most days. I go over my goal occasionally but at the end of the week I'm below target. I have had a few bouts of…