Frustrated -- gaining weight on 1200 calories + exercise

So, I'm getting really frustrated. I started working with a personal trainer about a month ago and have been exercising (cardio and circuit training) ~3 times a week. About two weeks ago I started sticking to 1200 net calories a day. Since I started restricting calories, I have somehow managed to gain 2 or 3 pounds! I know that muscle weighs more than fat, and it's likely that I'm putting on muscle, but that's an awful lot of muscle in such a short period of time. I don't think I look much different, my clothes aren't fitting much better or worse. What is going on? Has anyone else had this experience?


  • cindijelly
    cindijelly Posts: 43 Member
    this has happened to me, and yes I hated this, but then there was a drop and those numbers were history. This will happen for you.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Most likely you're retaining water to repair your muscles after tough workouts.

    I didn't gain weight when I started working with my trainer but my losses slowed considerably. I have been losing fat for sure though based on measurements and looks.

    Another option is that you're overestimating your calories burned in your work outs.
  • RElizabethM
    RElizabethM Posts: 11
    Thanks for the input!

    I'm being very careful to avoid overestimating calories burned during workouts -- if anything, I think I'm underestimating. I also tend to end up coming short of my 1200 net calorie goal most days. I go over my goal occasionally but at the end of the week I'm below target.

    I have had a few bouts of retaining water for a couple of days after a particularly vigorous workout -- the 2 to 3 lb gain is AFTER all that water flushes out. With the water weight, I am the heaviest I have weighed in years, which is depressing. Without it, I'm still heavier than before I started making any kind of effort to lose weight.
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    By the way- muscle doesn't weigh more then fat. It is like a pound of feathers or a pound of brick. They weigh the same- but like brick, a pound of muscle takes up less space so you will look smaller. But hang in- it doesn't happen overnight!
  • lenamae23
    lenamae23 Posts: 60 Member
    Try upping your calories for a few days and see if that helps.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    you need to list some basic info like your height, weight and goal weight for anyone to be able to give any sort of helpful advice.
  • RElizabethM
    RElizabethM Posts: 11
    I'm 5'2" and I fluctuated between 115 and 116 lbs before I started any attempt to lose weight. I'd like to be between 105 and 108. As of this morning, I am at 118.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    How much were you eating before you restricted to 1200?
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You're already at a healthy And LOW weight. Your body doesn't want to lose more.
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    By the way- muscle doesn't weigh more then fat. It is like a pound of feathers or a pound of brick. They weigh the same- but like brick, a pound of muscle takes up less space so you will look smaller. But hang in- it doesn't happen overnight!
    You know what she meant.
    Every body knows a pound weighs a pound.
    A square inch of muscle weighs more than a square inch of fat,
    So technically muscle DOES weigh more.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    You're already at a healthy And LOW weight. Your body doesn't want to lose more.

    I'd agree with this.

    If you are looking to "tone" then I'd stop worrying about the scales, resistance training, adequate protein, eat around maintenance.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    You're already at a healthy And LOW weight. Your body doesn't want to lose more.

    This. You are already at a very good weight. If you don't like the way you look still, and want to decrease body fat, start lifting heavy weights. It's the best way to lower body fat and look more "toned". You will not get bulky, I promise.
  • bluethreads
    bluethreads Posts: 6 Member
    that depends on her bone structure/frame. I'm also 5'2, I weigh under 110, but I have a rather tiny frame so the extra weight really shows up on me.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I think, people at that that low of a weight wanting to lose are unhappy with their body composition, not necessarily weight. I would seriously look into eating at enough cals to maintain your weight but lifting heavy in addition to moderate cardio instead of restricting calories.
  • RElizabethM
    RElizabethM Posts: 11
    How much were you eating before you restricted to 1200?

    I'm not sure, but it was a lot. I changed jobs in January. Previously I was doing biomedical research, under a lot of stress and not eating much during the day. Now I work at a startup that has catered meals every day and lots and lots of junkfood everywhere. Since changing jobs in January, I've gained about 8 lbs.
    If you don't eat enough you will stall out or gain weight, such as in your case. So set up your calories right.

    Thanks, this is helpful. According to this, I should be eating closer to 1550 calories a day. Thing is, on days that I exercise, I end up eating 1450-1550 calories a day anyway, does this mean I should eat 1550 every day, even when I don't work out?
    that depends on her bone structure/frame. I'm also 5'2, I weigh under 110, but I have a rather tiny frame so the extra weight really shows up on me.

    My frame is small-ish, I guess. I don't quite look right at this weight, my hips are much wider than they were and my pants don't fit. Honestly that's the thing that is the most motivating to me -- I don't want to give up half my wardrobe because I gained a little weight.
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    Is it muscle weight? Get your body fat checked and your Body Mass Index. If your body fat is going down, then you are probably gaining muscle weight. When you have muscle, your body burns more calories at rest.

    Also, are you overcompensating by eating a little more food because you are exercising? Sometimes we eat more because we say "I can eat that ice cream, because I exercised today." Calories and weight tend to add up that way.

    All the best to you.

  • astrovivi
    astrovivi Posts: 183 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I fluctuated between 115 and 116 lbs before I started any attempt to lose weight. I'd like to be between 105 and 108. As of this morning, I am at 118.

    You are the same height as me and you are trying to drop down to the very bottom of our healthy weight range.
    If you gain lean muscle and lose fat, you will weigh more than this...

    I am currently on 101lbs and am hoping I will get to 110lbs through gaining enough LBM.

    1200 kcals is very low even for our size. Aim for 110lbs as your goal for now.

    What levels of protein, fat and carbs are you sticking to in your current diet?
  • RElizabethM
    RElizabethM Posts: 11
    I'm 5'2" and I fluctuated between 115 and 116 lbs before I started any attempt to lose weight. I'd like to be between 105 and 108. As of this morning, I am at 118.

    You are the same height as me and you are trying to drop down to the very bottom of our healthy weight range.
    If you gain lean muscle and lose fat, you will weigh more than this...

    I am currently on 101lbs and am hoping I will get to 110lbs through gaining enough LBM.

    1200 kcals is very low even for our size. Aim for 110lbs as your goal for now.

    What levels of protein, fat and carbs are you sticking to in your current diet?

    I'm just aiming to get back to what I weighed around this time last year. I miss my old clothes!

    About 45% of my calories are from carbohydrates, about 40% from fat, and about 15% from protein. I have a sugar problem, an awful lot of my calories are coming from ice cream and overly-sweetened yogurt. I also have one or two glasses of wine once a week. I realize the sugar and alcohol aren't helping, but the sugar especially is very, very, very hard for me to take out of my diet completely.
  • astrovivi
    astrovivi Posts: 183 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I fluctuated between 115 and 116 lbs before I started any attempt to lose weight. I'd like to be between 105 and 108. As of this morning, I am at 118.

    You are the same height as me and you are trying to drop down to the very bottom of our healthy weight range.
    If you gain lean muscle and lose fat, you will weigh more than this...

    I am currently on 101lbs and am hoping I will get to 110lbs through gaining enough LBM.

    1200 kcals is very low even for our size. Aim for 110lbs as your goal for now.

    What levels of protein, fat and carbs are you sticking to in your current diet?

    I'm just aiming to get back to what I weighed around this time last year. I miss my old clothes!

    About 45% of my calories are from carbohydrates, about 40% from fat, and about 15% from protein. I have a sugar problem, an awful lot of my calories are coming from ice cream and overly-sweetened yogurt. I also have one or two glasses of wine once a week. I realize the sugar and alcohol aren't helping, but the sugar especially is very, very, very hard for me to take out of my diet completely.

    Sugar an alcohol are not the enemy (in moderation) :)
    Your protein level is too low if you are looking to spare lean mass while losing fat.

    Try going for 25% or thereabouts if it comes to about 2 - 2.5g per kg of your target BW (100 - 125g).
    Carbs and fats you can work out based on how you respond to both. If you keep carbs as is, decrease fats to 30%.
    I'd probably go for at least 125g protein per day and keep that fixed.
    That's actually a good starting point.

    A higher level of protein will also help keep you satisfied and should help curb some of those sugar cravings :)

    Definitely up your kcals as per previous posts. Dieting to lose, try to aim for around 10-15% below your maintenance to start with. Factor in your activity levels in to maintenance.