

  • Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich, their waffle fries with Chick-fil-A sauce, and a chocolate milkshake. Might just have to go this weekend... So many calories, but so good!
  • Calories on your birthday cancel out, riiight? :wink: JK. Enjoy it anyways! Happy Birthday!
  • Go with a friend that knows what they're doing? That's what I used to do when I first started out. They would teach me how to use machines correctly and the proper form until I eventually got the hang of it.
  • Just wanted to add to the support. You can do this!!! You definitely got this!
  • I have the same problem. I always wanted to start lifting, but was too scared that I would look like a fool. I actually just started getting out there this week. I get workout ideas from and and watch the instructional videos, and I also ask friends. When I'm not sure how to do something…
  • Wow! Thank you for sharing!
  • I started at around 129lbs. I've never posted a picture before so hoping this works. :smile: This is a during picture from this month going from 121 to 118 lbs in 30 days. Hoping to get down to 110 lbs.
  • I finished it last summer. I'm 5'2" and started off at 129lbs and finished at about 115. It was one of the best decisions I made to help propel me on my fitness journey. It is a challenge. I am currently doing Insanity: The Asylum vol. 1. I can't get enough! I would definitely recommend it if it is something you are…
  • 118 now, was at 114. Ultimately would like to get down to 105-110.
  • I love love the program! Once you start it you will too! It is definitely an accomplishment! I finished it about 2 weeks ago and decided to start a 2nd round this week. I lost about 13 pound and I am def more toned all throughout. It is tough, but if you do what you can using the right form you'll still get results. Also,…
    in Insanity Comment by kenh14 August 2012
  • I'm a college junior. I gained a bunch of weight sophomore year because of all the take out, and snacks I always found myself eating. I'm hoping this year will be different though.
  • I'm 5'2" & started trying to lose weight once school led out in mid May. Started out at around 129lbs ended up at 115lbs after one round Insanity. Started a 2nd round this week, hoping to get down to 105lbs eventually.
  • I never took my measurements so I can't be much help there. But I weighed 124 lbs when I started Insanity. I was 115 by the end. I also went down a pant size. If you stick to it it's definitely well worth it in the end! You will feel so accomplished! Good luck on your journey!
  • I like to listen to upbeat music while working out too. Here are some on my playlist: Work It Out - Pitbull Shake - Pitbull Work Hard, Play Hard - Tiësto I Just Wanna Run - The Downtown Fiction Move Shake Drop - DJ Laz Hope it helps! :)
  • I love the Dulce de Leche from the Cheesecake Factory! The Oreo Dream Extreme one that they're debuting today looks so tempting! The fact that it's half off doesn't help soothe the temptation either.
  • Popcorn is a must! I've been reading about air popped popcorn, so it can't hurt to give that a try? Also, low cal hot chocolate would make a good alternative for when roommates are having the real thing. Umm...this threads got me thinking.
  • I will definitely be looking into buying these items. They are a step up from all the crud I was consuming last year. Love Kashi & beef jerky so will make sure to take those. Gotta make sure to take oatmeal too. The fruit they have out are usually apples, bananas, and pears, not much variety, but I'll work with it. You'd…
  • Will definitely be stocking up on protein bars. Thank you for the suggestions! I don't think I've ever met anyone that had anything positive to say about the food, even alumni. They occasionally send out emails asking for suggestions, so I will def have to get in on that. It's not right to be left feeling sick after every…