

  • I know its been awhile since you asked the question, but I just wanna say I'm the same way. I go HIIT training on the treadmill, and during my workout I am so energetic, but as soon as I'm done, I'm tired and so sleepy! I see it as a good thing... I mean, I just finished an intense workout so naturally I'd be almost dead…
  • I completely understand the scary factor of going to a gym for the first time. I joined 24 Hour Fitness this past May and was so afraid that I almost cancelled. To my shock, no one even looked at me a second time. Of course, people notice when you walk by, etc, but no one cares. Everyone in the gym is there to either get…
  • I don't really mind guys checking me out , hehe ;) I've worked hard to get into the shape I'm in so I think its a great confidence booster. What I absolutely despise are the people who use a piece of equipment but then don't clean it after they are done!! Ewww.
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