Pengylicious Member


  • I'm a runner and from experience, when you get shin splints it is a sign to stop straight away. If you don't they can take a long time to heal (a year or more) and will keep recurring. You need to strengthen your lower legs gradually- you are probably doing too much too soon. You might need to add some walking and some…
  • Coalboilerman, as long as you are not adding anything to the mushrooms or the carrots such as salt or butter, eat as many as you like. Like the strawberries they take more energy to digest than they give you- they are a great snack, so if you are hungry, ignore the calorie count on MFP and consume as many as you like- they…
  • Oh, and my sister weighs 120 pounds...
  • My sister is a dietician also. Strawberries are considered a 'negative calorie' food- they take more energy to digest than they give you, whilst you benefit from the vitamins and fibre they contain. Don't give them up! All nuts are great- they contain protein and fat to keep you fuller for longer- just watch your portion…
  • I make a pot of soup at the start of the week and pop single portions into the freezer. Soup fills me up, and is comforting because it's warm- maybe that might be a light meal that will get you through night shift? I always add lentils or barley to bulk up the soup a bit, and take a bit of bread to dip in the soup :)
  • Blend frozen rasberries together with a banana and you have a delicious banana-berry sorbet :) Try it! I dare you all!
  • Haha! I totally understand! I can't tell anyone I joined this site either- they would all be worried too! I'm a primary school teacher, and I too skipped most of my classes during senior high school :)
  • Hey! I'm a veggie too! Try grainy bread, eggs, tofu, cheese, nuts, chickpeas, kidney beans and add lentils to your soups. Just two slices of grainy bread will add 10g of protein to your diet, and if you top it with peanut butter or an egg you will have a complete protein.