graysiesmom Member


  • Congratulations on your first day! I am also obese and just graduated C25K! To encourage, I could barely do the first day and was certain that I would never be able to finish. I just took one day at a time and just pushed to keep running until the interval was done. And now I am running 25-30 min straight! As far as…
  • Only once a week, in the morning, after pee, in the buff. Otherwise I'm on and off all the time and making myself crazy.
  • I just use the C25K free app from Zen Labs and really enjoyed it. I would just listen to my I Heart Radio station (or anything else I wanted to) while doing the run and the C25K app would break in and tell me when to run when to walk and when I was done. That way I didn't have to watch the clock. Good luck!