c25k tracking calories burnt question??

i went and i did it.........i did the first day of c25k, let me first say i am very large/obese and extremely out of shape, i huff going up the steps but i did it........ i used the heart rate thing on the treadmill while walking each time, couldnt while running... i walked at 3.0 and jogged at 5.2. it read that i burnt 1028 calories !!!! is that even possible???? that is a ton in a half an hour... i tracked walking and jogging on here and it did not add up to nearly that close..... how do u track this? (no i dont have a real HRM) How should i track it???


  • graysiesmom
    graysiesmom Posts: 4 Member
    Congratulations on your first day! I am also obese and just graduated C25K! To encourage, I could barely do the first day and was certain that I would never be able to finish. I just took one day at a time and just pushed to keep running until the interval was done. And now I am running 25-30 min straight!
    As far as tracking, I would just put the total walking time into the tracker and the total jogging time into the tracker. I personally didn't pay too much attention to how many calories the computer said I was burning. I have every confidence that if I keep below my daily calorie limit and do my running, I will lose the weight. I, also, did all my training outdoors, just because I know myself well enough to know that if I do a loop, I have to get home, so I'll finish. If I do the treadmill, I'd be tempted to quit early. That's just me. ;)
    Congratulations, again! I hope you find an answer to your question.
  • foraubs
    foraubs Posts: 263 Member
    Try downloading this: http://www.sendspace.com/file/3sty7d

    Weight and distances are customizable. Calories burned (net, gross, and total) change based on your weight, distance run, and distance walked).

    The distances on the sheet as downloaded correspond directly to the C25K plan. You can change them if you want, but if you're doing the program straight up you should probably leave them as they are. If you're doing the program as written, all you need to do is enter your weight in cell A3 to see the calories burned for each segment.

    It is important to ENTER YOUR OWN WEIGHT in cell A3, or the sheet won't properly calculate your cals burned .

    The calculations are based on "Energy Expenditure of Walking and Running," Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, Cameron et al, Dec. 2004 (see: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-242-304-311-8402-0,00.html ).

    Essentially, you enter your weight in cell A3, and the spreadsheet will crank out net and gross cals burned walking, running, and total for each of the CoolRunning C25K segments.

    Not as great as an HRM, I'm sure, but it's got to be the next best thing. I'm on Week 3 & this is what I use and just generate a "new exercise" to log it each time because I like to include my weight in the title for my own records.

    ie., tonight's was Mandi C25K @ 177.6 - W3D2 (program, weight, where I'm at.)

    Hope that helps, and GREAT for you for starting this!
  • ambermichk
    ambermichk Posts: 108 Member
    thank you both......i thought i would die, or puke, or puke then die, almost fell off treadmill once, hit the saftey switch by accident .....i was a mess but i made it 98% then walked for a half and hour after instead of the cool down, i am afriad to try it again tomorrow but by tomorrow i might be ready to try again !!!
  • Nteeter
    Nteeter Posts: 190 Member
    NICE JOB I started that program when I was still 320+ it works if your honest with it. As far as calories burnt I just used what the machine told me. Of course I was so big I never ate most of those calories back. I have lost 2+ lbs a week since november when I started here. Until this week when I started insanity! working on getting some muscles now :) GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!
  • Nteeter
    Nteeter Posts: 190 Member
    thank you both......i thought i would die, or puke, or puke then die, almost fell off treadmill once, hit the saftey switch by accident .....i was a mess but i made it 98% then walked for a half and hour after instead of the cool down, i am afriad to try it again tomorrow but by tomorrow i might be ready to try again !!!

    Funny I cant tell you how many time I knocked my head phones out of my ear and sent my ipod screaming down the treadmill while I danced to avoid crushing it and then see it smack the floor after the launch from treadmill LMAO. Keep fightin you will win!

    Oh one quick note, I noticed that when I tried this at my heaviest it hurt my knees. So I just walked for a month. Then started it again after getting some power in the legs and that helped.
  • ambermichk
    ambermichk Posts: 108 Member

    Funny I cant tell you how many time I knocked my head phones out of my ear and sent my ipod screaming down the treadmill while I danced to avoid crushing it and then see it smack the floor after the launch from treadmill LMAO. Keep fightin you will win!

    Oh one quick note, I noticed that when I tried this at my heaviest it hurt my knees. So I just walked for a month. Then started it again after getting some power in the legs and that helped.

    OMG that was me, i dropped stuff, lot my towel, ear phones fell out, almost fell off the treadmill........but i tried and will probably have to keep doing day one for a week or 5 but at least i am trying....

    i could not get the file with the c25k info to download but thanks for trying
  • foraubs
    foraubs Posts: 263 Member
    If you'd really like it, I can try sending my already downloaded file to you via e-mail if you message me the address. It's an Excel spreadsheet.