

  • I was 222 pounds, and I'm 5'4. I was 15 years old. I'm 16 now
  • Every day. Eh, you can say I'm obsessed ...... I tried doing it every 2 days but it was too hard for me ....... I really want to cut back to once a week though. I'm trying!
  • Hi there! I'm not a teacher haha, I'm only 18 years old! But I saw that you were looking for some vegetarian meals. Well, I have a vegan blog, for my own personal reference with meals and snacks and sweets on it if you want to check it out. May not be your thing, but hey, don't underestimate vegan foods. They're delicious!…
  • Personally, I don't eat past 6:30. Fill up before then. Have your dinner at 5:30 or 6. Most of the time, the hunger you feel later on is from BOREDOM or sometimes dehydration. Drinks lots of water if you think you're hungry. Best of luck!
  • Hi there! I have a personal blog where I go to keep vegan recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and sometimes dessert. Check it out if you want to! Most pictures have a link that you can click to find the recipe. Hope you find something you like!