jaelanne Member


  • What I suggested to a friend, and what worked for her, is a reminder of how much you accomplish, not how long you have to go. My fifth pound, I remember being in the grocery store and picking up five pounds of butter. It made me grin. If you look at it, all stacked up, it is an amazing reminder of how well you are doing.…
  • I feel kinda silly for mine. It was one part closing the chapter on a very bad relationship and one part revenge. My ex is the reason I got so heavy. He was an athlete. He got injured, and decided to be a chef after he lost his job. He didn't want me jogging or cycling alone, and didn't want to go to the gym with me. I…
  • Only three? There are so many :) I've lost fifty pounds, maintained it for three years, and now decided to lose that last annoying 15. What *really* worked for me was finding a sport I loved. Cycling. It was my 'me' time, and represented freedom (I am now completely car free!). Once I did that, I picked a goal. A century…