mrscampbe11 Member


  • My best friend got me a slow cooker for my birthday - can't wait to try some of these recipes as well as the Texas pulled pork one I found on the other day. Sorry I don't have the link, nor can I say I have tried it, but it looks amazing. :drinker:
  • What do I log this as in my exercise diary?
  • 1 family have also started a fundraising appeal to replace their trampoline, last seen careering along the front lawns of their neighbours.
  • I never thought I would be running, for fun, for the hell of it, on a weekend, on a weekday... Me and running were never friends, now we're more like acquaintances, slowly building the friendship. :laugh: I'm looking forward to our vegetable lasagne! :flowerforyou: I try to eat new foods all the time though, quinoa has…
  • I feel as old as I am (29). I think I have done quite a few things in my years and I'd rather be the person I am now and in the place I am now than any other time in my life. In a good note I did keep up with a 21yo at netball tonight so I'm not doing too bad! :wink: Oooh, well I was going to try to run 10k before the end…
  • I weighed in Friday morning (regular day) and was down 2.4! :drinker: April have you added in sprints to your running? It will make you faster overall, works the muscles a bit differently and definitely gets the heart rate up! From what I have read from the dietitian I am friends with on here, maybe take a closer look at…
  • Hello Blues! I'm Amanda. I live in Edinburgh, Scotland with my fiance and work as an Assistant Case Manager for people with brain injuries. I'm originally Australian, but have been in the UK for 4.5 years now. I originally trained as a physiotherapist so if you have any injury queries fire away! :laugh: Kasi - are you…
  • Shame on me, I NEVER drink enough water. :embarassed: But I did walk to and from the train station today (25 minutes each way) and then I had some time to kill before a meeting so walked a bit more around the shops. No buying though due to budget restrictions! :grumble: :sad: I am proud that the work I do helps people live…
  • Hi, I'm Amanda in Edinburgh, Scotland. :drinker: This will be my second Diamond challenge and I joined because I saw all the cool stuff one of my friends was doing as part of the challenge and thought I wanted in on that! I like how everyone is supportive and in it for the same reasons. I walked in to town and back for a…
  • Superb effort! :flowerforyou:
  • Hello all, good idea @hlavers, I am going to pledge to cook a healthy dinner every night this week. :smile: I have just been away for a weekend of hiking, so my exercise and calories have been off the charts, hopefully this week will be a bit more normal. :drinker:
  • Non-fat greek yoghurt has become tasty - in the past it has been too tart for me, but I think my palate has changed. Herbal teas for some sweetness and extra fluids have also been added in to my diet. Also to increase my water intake putting some lemon juice in my water has helped tremendously. Well done on everyone's…
  • QOTD: How did you get the way you are when you decided enough was enough? And, what made you decide enough was enough? I got where I was by not watching portion control,drinking too much and thinking that the sporadic exercise I was doing was enough. I decided enough was enough when I got back from Christmas and New Year…
  • In honour of spirit week I have changed my profile pic to a bunch of pink roses - as my gift of a bunch of flowers to all my DITR rough girls who are working their butts off (literally!) :flowerforyou: Starleng, all our thoughts are with you... And a big shout out to dlaplume2 - my buddy for this challenge - it has been…
  • 9/13 QOTD: Does anyone have short term or long term athletic goals? If so, what are they? If no, do you plan on setting any? My short term goal at the moment is to be able to run 5k in under 30mins. Long term I'd like to be able to run 10k non-stop by the end of the year (is that long term enough?). I would love to have a…
  • Double whammy's on QOTD's... So 1) How do you plan on using your weight loss as a tool to help others succeed? Not really sure about this - most of my friends are slim already and my mum's too far away (and stubborn) for me to influence. I guess just by proving that it can be done without paying lots of money or using fad…
  • Welcome to the new week! I have tried lots of new things recently, last week I tried 2 new recipes, one with fish baked over potatoes and sun dried tomatoes and the other a mexican chicken dish. (I have a lovely subscription to a recipe magazine.) I have also tried Zumba and have started attempting to grow my own herbs in…
  • QOTD - What is your favorite exercise or piece of equipment? Ah, there are quite a few that I like doing that I can no longer do because the gym I go to has no proper weights section. Oh how I miss my nice YMCA in Australia... So, out of what I currently do my favourite exercise is playing sport - netball in particular and…
  • QOTD 09/09: My first turn to ask a question, and I've been in a bit of a negative mood this week, so want to open this up as a chance to vent. What do you dislike about trying to lose weight and get fitter? My current annoyances are the constant laundry from sweaty smelly gym clothes and being tired from exercising.…
  • I met my best friend in primary school 24 years ago, and we truly buddied up aged 11. Unfortunately she's in Australia and I'm in Scotland so we don't see much of each other, but emails, phone calls and facebook keep us up to date.
  • If I ate my allowed 1210 per day and didn't eat my exercise calories I would give up. Saying that, I think the estimates aren't really accurate, so I try to underestimate calories burned and leave a little leeway, seems to be working so far. I actually try to aim for around 1500 per day, exercise or no. (If anyone looks at…
  • Firstly happy birthday! My favourite artist to work out to would have to be Tool, especially if I'm on the treadmill, I love getting all my anger out! I fully recommend it if someone is stressing you at work (or outside of work) - you just pound their face in to the treadmill with every step. My next birthday is the big…
  • I'm glad you chose the one you did! I also really loved the chiffon dresses I tried on, it's a lovely fabric, so floaty and *pretty*. I think the dress you chose gives you the best shape out of them all - although I also like the super expensive one (typical me - pick the most expensive!), but at half the budget, hey,…
  • Well done everyone - let's crack on with week 3!
  • It varies week to week depending on what I have going on socially, but if I don't do concerted exercise I try to walk a bit more that day. I find that if I have a big day coming up - eg out climbing on hills all day on a Saturday - having a rest day Friday leaves my legs feeling more fresh. Other than that - if you're…
  • QOTD 9/2/2011: If you had the money to spend, would you get lipo? I'd consider it on my arms because I hate them, only if they took the crap skin as well. Everything else, meh, I can hide, arms not so easily. I'd probably have laser surgery on my eyes first though.
  • Hello Diamonds, I'm new as of this week, so had missed the H2O challenge until I saw it now - I'm terrible at drinking straight water so have been using herbal teas and a couple of drops of lemon juice to try to get there. I generally manage 6 cups per day, so for the rest of Friday and the weekend I know what I'll be…
  • Fellow MFPer's blog on them: They keep coming up on my Groupon emails and I am in two minds myself...
  • The worst thing I ever did as a child? How long have you got?! :blushing: Possibly top of the list would be shoplifting on school camp in grade 6 (so 11 years old) - I did it to try to impress the girl, she was doing it for attention because her brother was quite sick. My parents totally blamed her for leading me astray,…
  • I wouldn't be too worried actually. I'd still want to be fit for playing sports, but if I could be fit and fat and that was what was 'normal' I'd go for it. (I guess it would be like living when Rubens was the artist du jour.) I don't think we'll ever live to find out though, seeing as a healthy person should be…