

  • The HRM has always said 1,700 on Plyo X from the beginning. =) But the p90x calories site says 900 - 1,100. I'm 260. Could very well be my HRM is just not good. But it wasn't a cheap one either.
  • This site might do it:
  • This makes sense. Thank you. It was a matter of me not fully knowing how MFP did it's initial calculation. Now, how do I know how many calories I burn when I do P90X so I can factor that in properly =)
  • In MFP, I put in I wanted to lose 2 lbs per week. It gave me a total of 1,700 calories. Then if I add 1,700 calories for exercise, it puts it up to 3,400 (which is what MFP is saying too). Then a 1,000 deficient to bring it down to 2,700 calories? I guess, how many calories should I be intaking at this point? Seems MFP is…
  • So, reading your posts, a 1,000 calorie deficient is what I want. But when I use myfitnesspal, it puts the 1,700 calories I burned off exercising right back into the calories it tells me to eat that much. So basically myfitnesspal is wrong? And I take from the posts, that I am correct in that I could sit on my butt and…
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