cwb2478 Member


  • Hi, I live in the burbs of houston.
  • Salad I very my salad's a lot. I add a few chick peas, black beans all kinds of veggies. Tofu marinated and grilled. Thanks for the tofu scramble I was about to look that up. I do pretty well with greek yogurt I like the plain fage yogurt it has 23 grams of protein (i still can't get over that) and i blend in fruit to…
  • I second the greek yogurt thing. I get the plain and sweeten it myself with fruit just like the others. I then mix in some flax seed and raw cocoa. The important thing is you can get 23 grams of protein from the 1 cup of greek yogurt. That's a fourth of what your supposed to a day. I also marinate tofu in different…
  • I kinda follow his program. The only thing I don't do is I eat fish. Everything else is vegan. That sounds weird. I'm vegan except I eat fish. I needed the protein and omega's. Anyway I've lost 50 ish lbs and my last A1C was 5.9 with no meds.
  • Another pesca here. I normally eat tuna, but I'll eat anything fishy. A great app for you is the seafood watch app from the monterey bay aquarium. It tells you which fish is harvested sustainably and which is not. The app figures it out by the region you are in. I try and eat one new fish a month. My favorite is Wild…
  • I'm an old pro! I've been doing it for two full days and half of today! Friend me I just found out we could do that by reading the other posts.