

  • We found out that MSG was causing my headaches a few years ago. It's been quite an adjustment in eating out. KFC, CFA, and McDonalds are the worst 3 for me. It's in the shaker at McD's, they use a combination of salt, pepper and MSG to season the burgers while they are frying. A lot of websites for the restaurants are now…
  • Yes, it is hard to lose weight with PCOS!! My doctor and endo said that with PCOS you will lose weight slower than normal women. Everyone's body is different but from what my doctor told me and trial and error I have discovered that lower carb eating works best for me. The doctor said to try and have 5g of fiber with every…
  • I took it for a little over a month and it was great during that time. The problem I had is that it increased my blood pressure so I couldn't continue to take it. It also made me very thirsty but that helped me drink enough water every day. Every doctor that I know that prescribes it watches you very carefully while you…