MSG! ..?

kmuree Posts: 283 Member
Does anyone know common restaurants, fast food or otherwise, that have an unusual amount of MSG in their items?
I've recently found out I'm severely allergic through testing (couldn't figure out why I was getting headaches DAILY for two years!)

I found out when I worked for Chick-fil-A (no politics, please, I no longer work there). The breading used for the nuggets and original sandwich both have MSG in them.

I couldn't figure out why I had headaches the entire time I worked there. One day, I looked on the bag in the back to read the ingredients. :sick:

MSG is supposedly fine in moderation but I'm severely allergic.

Word up to anyone who might be too!

Again, anyone aware of anywhere else for me to avoid? :bigsmile:

Also -- I'm aware it's in a LOT of products. Like I said, I'm just looking for any heads-up to places that anyone might know that use a large amount of it? I can handle small doses, but nothing like what KFC and CFA use. :smile:


  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    chinese restaurants and most other restaurants like it
  • sarabethlives
    We found out that MSG was causing my headaches a few years ago. It's been quite an adjustment in eating out. KFC, CFA, and McDonalds are the worst 3 for me. It's in the shaker at McD's, they use a combination of salt, pepper and MSG to season the burgers while they are frying. A lot of websites for the restaurants are now listing allergies and sensitivities and are listing MSG.

    There are other names for MSG as well, so don't let it fool you if you don't see the actual MSG name in the ingredients. I ate a Zaxby's grilled chicken salad the other day thinking that it's grilled chicken with no breading and vegetables. I had a headache by the end of the day and it lasted through the next day, I looked up the list on the website and there were almost 15 forms of msg in the entire salad.

    Most convienence foods have MSG, because it's cheaper to use the MSG to add flavor and preserve the food longer. I've found when I eat more fruits, veggies and meats that I have seasoned myself with real seasonings (not pre-made packets) that I have far less headaches.
    Ranch dressing and doritos were the worst things to give up for me!! You can find Ranch dressing in the cold section without MSG but you have to use it quickly b/c they don't last as long in the fridge.

    Some chinese restaurants can prepare your food without MSG. They buy it in bags like salt/pepper so they can not add that seasoning to your food.

    GOOD LUCK :)
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Thank you so much! I had no idea about McDonald's and those are some amazing tips! I really appreciate it. Since quitting my job, my headaches have lessened but are still occasionally there and sometimes it's difficult to assess why it keeps happening. It probably is caused by my ranch addiction. :laugh: