

  • Calcium Iron Saturated fat overall calories
  • Yes loads of fog here (Bracknell) that hasn't cleared all day :o( I have consumed all my cals for the day, now, mostly at dinner as my SIL made pie and chips :blushing:
  • Ickybella, are you in Windsor, UK? I live not far from there... I'll join in with you ladies - i'm not a mother either! I'm trying to rein myself in a bit before christmas, as I'm getting towards needing to buy a dress size up! I've not felt like eating much today - I've got a cold and am generally feeling a bit rubbish. I…
  • How far is it, and how long did it take? Challenge yourself to try and beat your time when you next walk to work! I sort of walk to work - I have to get the train most of the way, as it's nearly 40 miles LOL. It's two miles walking from the station to my office. I always used to get the underground (I work in London, UK)…
  • Men naturally have more muscle than women, which is what burns the calories. Plus if they're 50% heavier than you are at a healthy weight, then they're obviously going to need to eat more! I'm 5ft 3 tall, currently 136lbs and just a bit too 'cuddly' for my liking! More than anything I just want to get rid of the muffin…
  • Sounds good, although I'll have to be REALLY good for the whole five weeks!
  • I always drink plenty of water with my meals, and I eat really slowly! I used to eat my food in such a greedy fashion, then just a few minutes later I'd be feeling so full I thought I might vomit! I'm on 1200 per day too - I'm just not a very big person, only 160cms tall. Protein is digested more slowly than other foods,…