

  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ...flufftard.... Okay, now that I got that out of my system. I agree with this ^^ and a couple other posts. I'd love it if a guy struck up conversation at the gym, especially if it came with any kind of compliment on my progress or how I have good form in my lifting. A guy at the gym approached my…
  • Honestly, being 5'10" already makes me feel like a giant amongst my shorter coworkers and friends so I do tend to be attracted to men just about as tall or taller than me. It's just a personal preference; I don't want to feel like the jolly green giant in the relationship.
  • In the state of TN appellate courts say engagement rings are conditional gifts that must be returned to the gift giver if the condition -- namely, the marriage -- does not take place, regardless of who broke off the engagement. With that being said, if you're not giving the money back to him spend just a little on you and…
  • I totally know where you're coming from, there are so many days when I look at the logging and the meal preparation and the workouts and can't help but feel that it's a little unfair that I'm putting in more effort than the results I'm getting. And then the scale drops 2-3 lbs and doesn't bounce back up. Plus that doesn't…
  • Just moved to St. Charles a few months ago and moved to Missouri only a year before that. :) Looking for local friends so feel free to add me! :)
  • I've had good luck with sublingual arnica tablets. It's a homeopathic remedy that's been helping the soreness (especially after 2 hour bootcamps). It doesn't make it go away, but it kind of helps to take the edge off. Otherwise like others have said, some cardio, a lot of water, protein, some ibuprofen, and on the third…
  • I suffer from knee problems and my sister has trouble with her ankles, so we know where you're coming from. I have between 60-100 lbs to lose, depending on how my BF% comes out (I'm shooting for an ultimate goal of 23-21%) and I was very nervous about starting workouts with my knees. I found that the elliptical was a great…
  • :) I think that old adage just rolls off the tongue better than "a pound of muscle is more dense and therefore takes up less space on the human body than a comparable pound of fat". At least its easier for me to say to myself when the scale hasn't moved but I've been working hard and my clothes fit better. I guess it's…
  • My aunt just turned me on to 1/4c lowfat ricotta cheese mixed with about 1Tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder, and a little bit of splenda. Warm it up so it mixes well and then let it chill; tastes kind of like a mouse or thick pudding but with protein. Seems to hit the spot when I want chocolate, especially since I'm not a…
  • I'm totally in the same boat. I do want to be healthier; I want to be able to jog up stairs and work and not be gasping when I'm done, and I want to finish my 30's with the kind of overall health that I should have had in my 20's. But that's not what gets me off the couch and to the gym. That's accomplished with a look in…
  • That is absolutely unacceptable. In a REALLY odd coincidence I'm actually currently listening to our company's HR videos (annual requirement and they're the same videos each year) and I was literally just listening to a scenario in the harassment video where an overweight coworker was offended by comments made in passing…