For your entertainment: I heard this a few hours ago and I'm still giggling every once in a while.
About a week to a week and a half in I had the average 2-3 days of full on carb flu. The first day I really thought I was coming down with a cold or the flu because of how lethargic and meh I felt, but when I didn't get any congestion or any other symptoms I realized what it actually was. Day three I considered eating a…
Something I've found really helpful is my george foreman grill. I get big packs of steak and package them into single servings with seasonings included and freeze them. That way I can take out a serving in the morning before I leave for work and toss it in the fridge, and it's defrosted by the time I get home. Seven…
HA! That sounds so much like some of my cooking adventures! :) Well, at least you'll have a ready to go meal in the freezer the next time you're pressed for time.
For slapping his best friend after the guy backed me into a corner at a bar and screamed at me for talking to some random guy who stopped me on the way to the bathroom. Nevermind that this "friend" was telling me I should find someone at the bar and get laid, and that the guy who stopped me asked if I would be interested…
My mom's baked ham.... so simple (no glazes or fancy stuff) but it is always perfectly tender with just the right crispiness to the outside. I could eat it for days. I like the green beans mentioned earlier, so some of those along with a good sized salad and maybe a crustless pumpkin cheesecake. Oh, and some roasted sweet…
I agree with NiklsSkinny. My carb flu was terrible... I thought I was really coming down with the flu, or that I was doing something wrong, or that the world was ending. ;) Well, the last one might be a slight exaggeration but it sucked. And then just when I thought I was going to have to start a caffeine IV to keep going…
HI! :) I just started recently, too, and my biggest suggestion would be to not cheat for the first month or so. I'm basically restarting because I let myself cheat too early on, and only got my system fully cleaned out from the SAD foods for about a week. You might feel really tired and lethargic and just generally crappy…
Breakfast of champions.... bulletproof coffee and a couple strips of bacon done up in the microwave while the coffee brews. I'm horribly useless in the morning so I try not to turn on the stove unless I have to.
I have to second the "no cheats" advice. I'm basically restarting again because I allowed myself too many slips so I never got the full benefits of clearing out my system. Also just hang in there! After the first week or two it may feel like you want to give in because you hit a patch where you're tired and foggy and…
I'm in the same boat with everyone else... I haven't been able to find it for less than $10, maybe down to $7/lb on amazon. I'm hitting up Trader Joe's next time I'm near one!
<-- *points to self* Total Nerd. :glasses: I listened to the lecture and then bought his book for my kindle: Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It. It pretty much covers what was in the lecture; for anyone that's like me and retains better from reading than listening. I'm almost finished with it and it makes so much…
Darn! I just thew out the packaging from the last batch I ordered. But I do have their email address: They responded to my last email super quick and I'm sure they'd be able to tell you what they use in the marinade. I'm going to attempt **crosses fingers** to use up a turkey tenderloin by…
If you would like to try the best beef jerky (imo) that has ever been made on earth, order it from here: It's a meat market in Wisconsin (I used to live right down the street) and the jerky is steak sized, thick, and flavorful. It's about $20/lb with shipping…
Oh, you didn't sound judgmental at all! I just wanted to throw my perspective out there. I WISH that I didn't like sweets; that would make things so much easier. And I wish I could go all out and drop everything that's not primal. My dad sounds a lot like your husband... the very thought of not having bread at every meal…
A little insight from someone suffering the "on again off again" syndrome. :ohwell: I know eating primal feels good; I can tell by the energy I have after a few good "on" days compared to the day after an "off" day. I know this is the right path for me, and the fact that I sought it out and am committed to making this work…
I think we'd be doing much better health-wise as a society if even a quarter of those ginormous corn and wheat fields were used for a solid rotational farming of other veggies. It's no surprise that those cucumbers are so much more expensive when there are heavens-knows-how-many times more corn fields than anything else…
I don't know if its an option for you, but I'm going with deer meat this year to try and save some money. I'm getting a couple hunting tags for bow and gun season and a friend of mine's husband (who absolutely loves hunting) said he'd be happy to fill the tags for me and help me get the meat all cut up and packaged. I grew…
Oh, one more thing for breakfasts... I've been favoring really simple grab and go options like putting a slice of bacon around the edge of a muffin tin cup and then cracking an egg inside. A little seasoning and bake it up; makes nice little nuke and go breakfast option. I end up eating mine in the car on the way to work…
I got some good ideas from here: . There is actually one of the savory chicken batches in my freezer for this weekend. Best part is you don't have to get up any earlier.. everything is in the bag and can be dumped straight into a crock pot as you walk out the…
Idauria - My mom and dad are pretty skeptical, but I figure once they see the results and see that it's not negatively affecting my blood work or health markers I think they'll come around. All my sister needed was to see me losing weight while still eating foods that taste great, and she was totally on board! :)
I'm glad you brought this post over to a group that can appreciate it for what it is. I saw your post in another forum and the responses you were getting. I think my favorite one was: "I wonder why would you go from Vegetarian to Paleo... such a big change are you the kind of person who just cannot eat "normal" jumping…
KBOYD415 - If you're just starting out you might not have the MCT oil or different butter types that many people prefer; I'm the same way because I'm still trying to figure out how/where to get the best quality items without breaking the bank. My coffee consists of 1TBS unsalted butter, 1TBS Coconut Oil, A little coconut…
I've tried cinnamon, apple pie spice, vanilla and cherry extract, and pumpkin in my coffee. The pumpkin didn't quite take away the starbucks latte craving I had, but it wasn't bad; definitely should be drunk hot - I let mine cool after tasting it the first time (drove to work) and it wasn't as good as before. Cinnamon is a…
Fantastic! And look at all the awesome foods you get to eat. :) Keep up the great work!
I wish reading was an option... but I'm a voracious reader. :ohwell: I get so into the story that I've been known to read until 3am without even realizing it. When the final book comes out in a story I've been following since high school I'm taking a four day weekend to devour it in one fell swoop.
Thanks for the input everyone. :) One thing I did find while searching through was a link to the f.lux program. I downloaded it to my laptop last night and I think it actually made a difference. I'm on my laptop a lot in the evenings and f.lux helps filter out the blue light after the sun sets. This was…
Anywhere in particular that you get your jerky? I'm looking for places to get good stuff without all the fillers, but that isn't going to kill my budget. I'm actually thinking I might just bite the bullet and try to make my own. I love the stuff for snacking but it's surprisingly hard to find around me.
Yeah, I knew when I was taking them that this wasn't the best idea... but I get so run down when I can't get enough sleep that every time I tried a night without it I'd be right back on the next night to make up for the sleep I lost. And since I'm waking up anyways with panic twinges because my mind remembered yet another…
Welcome! I'm fairly new, too, but loving how good I feel eating Primal. I'm still working on maintaining the right carb totals for weight loss; I do good a few days and then come across something that puts be over that I wouldn't have expected to be so high in carbs. Still learning, but there are a lot of great people in…