

  • i as well discovered the starkist flavored pouches of tuna and can eat it fav is the herb and garlic put it on some crackers or a slice of cucumber..amazing!
  • i am in the same situation as you...i dunno if it will slim them down at all but i can barely walk today by some simple exercise my trainer had me do. stand on a step with your heels off the step in 2 motions go up on your toes and then back down and drop your heels below the step it streches those muscles out.....severe…
  • thanks i don'[t really eat sweets or junk it';s more the processed foods, pasta's that type of thing i eat chicken and turkey i drink 1 percent milk no chocolate no juices usually water and diet soda also lots of crystal light tea.....ive been eating alot of tuna and cottage cheese those type of things my food diary is…
  • thanks for the advice i have been massaging as well and although it's not fun and hurts i'm hoping that when i wake up tomorrow it will feel better so thursday i can get back in the gym....
  • i have pretty much had heat on it and been trying to do some flexing of my feet to stretch the muscles so they don't get stiff its just frustrating!