cailinrua77 Member


  • Well done on the weight loss. I've re-joined this site as an additional support mechanism- I joined a gym about a year and a half ago, and so i enjoy the exercise part of it. My trainer keeps putting me on these low carb severely strict diets, but I do well for a while but then pile it on coz I get so sick of it! I am…
  • Yes. I did 2.5 miles on New Year's Day & and 3 today. Still stopping and starting but hope it will get better!!
  • I'm 5'2.5" and have 42 lb to lose. Just had baby no 2 -13 days ago by elective caesarean section. Feels like I have a mountain to climb!!! I have literally joined 10 mins ago- no idea how it really works.feel free to add me- I hope to work out how to accept you all!!!