A big guy with big goals

I'm probably a little unique around here. When I started I had over 300lbs to lose, but I've also lost over 86lbs at this point so that makes me pretty successful. :)

Like a lot of people I've had plenty of times in the past where I've lost some weight and put it back on (with interest!), but for the first time I'm really addressing my eating and lifestyle issues as a whole. I'm working with a dietitian, a therapist and a bariatric doctor. I'm really trying to attack root causes.

I'm using MFP to keep track of my eating to make sure I'm applying what I'm working on with my dietitian. I'm not doing anything dramatic, I'm basically trying to eat like I intend to eat for life: shopping the perimeter of the grocery store, controlling portions, cooking my own meals, keeping sugar down.

Exercise and weight lifting is also a big part of what I'm doing. I lift three times a week and do cardio most off days.

I'm pretty positive and consistent and just keep motoring along. I'm happy to offer support and feedback to anyone else if they're interested.


  • crazydogladyjess
    crazydogladyjess Posts: 128 Member
    Hey! Id love some support and feedback and have the same to offer. Ill add you. I lost around 60lbs but have gained it all back. I am ready to get back into things though - and stick with it!
  • fatmanthinuk
    fatmanthinuk Posts: 44 Member
    I've got over 110 to lose buddy. UK based but happy to have friends from the world over if they help me beat my demons!! Feel free to add me. Same goes to anyone else who has a load to lose and needs someone who knows what that's like. Cheers. Andy W
  • Hi there, I'd be happy to have support and feedback as well. I succeed better with a support system. I previously lost 35 lbs. and was so close to my goal; however, I didn't know how to deal with all the new found comments and let then go to my head and slowly gained it all back. I've always wanted to be the healthy happy version of me that I know exists but lack will power when I get stressed out with life. I'm looking to change many things in my life so I can be the happy positive person I used to always be.
    Thanks, Dawn
    p.s. I haven't discovered how to add people just yet.
  • cailinrua77
    cailinrua77 Posts: 4 Member
    Well done on the weight loss. I've re-joined this site as an additional support mechanism- I joined a gym about a year and a half ago, and so i enjoy the exercise part of it. My trainer keeps putting me on these low carb severely strict diets, but I do well for a while but then pile it on coz I get so sick of it! I am hoping to lose 31.5 pounds as my main goal, and when I get there I'll re-evaluate. Happy to support others on this journey!
  • trajanAz
    trajanAz Posts: 28 Member
    Sent friend requests to anyone who didn't beat me to it. Appreciate it, guys. I don't know anybody on this site yet.


    I know what you mean at least a little bit. The tough thing is getting the mental in line with the physical, but there are no easy answers there. Ultimately I decided integrating therapy was necessary for me, that may not be the case for you.


    I don't want to second guess your trainer, but that sounds pretty rough. Have you considered adding a registered dietitian to the mix? I was surprised how reasonable it was, and even though a lot of what we talk about--I continue to meet with her monthly--is stuff I already know on some level, it helps keep me centered and on target.

    Something to think about if you feel stuck I guess. Just a thought. :)