Sarah_Kendrick2017 Member


  • Ok so are y'all saying more weight less reps? I do about 3 sets of 10 now on anything I do. I of course work the machines and not free weights. I really try and push myself but maybe I need to switch to the free weights. Yes, someone else today mentioned holding plank. They said to build up. If you can only do 15 then…
  • I do sit ups and crunches daily. I guess I am just wanting to see results quicker. After I posted this I did read where it's all about genetics. I see it in my face, neck and arms. Although I am sure I am losing inches all over these are the more prominent places. I am assuming that eventually it will begin to move to…
  • I love shopping my frustration is that I never can find anything that fits right so I give up and don't go. It doesn't help that I am 6'0" and have a 36" inseam so that makes it difficult. Find me a store in the mall for tall women and I am so there all day probably buying them out LOL!
  • I'm 6'0" and I have never had that happen to me. Most of the time when I take pictures with my friends and family we all laugh cause of where they come to on me. I love being tall because I carry my weight so well compared to someone shorter. My only downfall are my legs are so long and I have to special order my jeans.…
  • Hey all Y'all Texans. Born and Raised Texas Southern Girl here. I live south of Houston. I was introduced to this site by my best friend that has been using it. I have been on the weight loss roller coaster but have recently decided I want to do it for myself. I think that I was trying to lose the weight for everyone else…