Arturojaquez Member


  • you need to put your foot down and tell him you won't help him if he continues to talk to you that way. Being your father isn't an excuse for him to be a complete jerk to you. No one deserves that..... if he continues you don't have to cut him off completely but I would limit interaction with him and tone him out...
  • The key is weighing yourself at the same time everyday or everytime you weigh yourself...and wearing the same thing or nothing at all.... I weigh my self in the morning after my workout....(habit from the Army) I weigh everyday to keep track and see if my diet and workouts are working... I measure every other day or so....
  • I've tried every dvd out there and they all push so much and most of them are catered to people who are already in some what good shape.. I found a couple exercises I enjoy doing and wrote up a 4 day routine that works for me... and i enjoy working out everyday... for those 4 days then rest one day then start it back up…
  • your body does in fact burn some cals while you sleep but... your weight fluctuates throughout the day it's always best to check your weight in the morning at about the same time every day...
  • just do what you can and try to increase little by little weekly.... your taking the first step to changing for the life for the better.... good luck