Thin overnight ?

Ive been on a healthy low cal diet for about a month now . The last time i weighed myself was about four days ago and the scale read 124 . I felt pretty good , even though i had only lost one pound from my last weigh in . But then this morning i weighed myself again and the scale read 120 !! :huh: (I even checked it about 3 times to make sure) It felt amazing to look at that number on the scale but i really dont feel like 120 or that ive lost four more pounds . Is my scale lieing to me or whats going on here ?? help please !! :heart:


  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Were you weighing yourself at the same time of day as when the scale read 124? My weight fluctuates around 4 pounds throughout the day.
  • dez_yaoichan
    check to make sure the scale is flat. i have mine by the kitty food bowl and stood on it last week, thought i lost almost 5 pounds-checked it 5 times! then found out this week that a pirece of kitty food was under it and made it uneven. gotta find a new place for it now
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It could be the scale, or it could be water weight lost. My weight fluctuates by 3 - 4 lbs from day to day even when I weigh at the same time. As nice as it would be, it's pretty much impossible to lose 4 lbs of fat in 4 days.
  • Waalien
    Waalien Posts: 5 Member
    check to make sure the scale is flat. i have mine by the kitty food bowl and stood on it last week, thought i lost almost 5 pounds-checked it 5 times! then found out this week that a pirece of kitty food was under it and made it uneven. gotta find a new place for it now

    I think I would leave it on the piece of kitty food! :laugh:
  • Arturojaquez
    Arturojaquez Posts: 8 Member
    your body does in fact burn some cals while you sleep but... your weight fluctuates throughout the day it's always best to check your weight in the morning at about the same time every day...
  • tinywithaBIGheart
    I always weigh myself in the morning as soon as i wake up .
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    Your body's water weight can flucuate alot. so maybe it was a combo of things..see how the next couple of days go