

  • I have been craving carbs right before bed time- never have before- not like this (and no I'm not pregnant. ha). Its like I want a big pizza before I go to bed- and i'm literally HUNGRY. Anyone know how I can change this? thoughts or advice? Also I am 4'9 (very short for an adult women :)) ..How many calories should I be…
  • I'm 26! WOHOO! :) Motivation! Motivation! Motivation! =) You can do it!!:smokin:
  • Congrats on getting started! Realizing you NEED to lose any weight at all is a huge step. Welcome to the group! What kind of diet plan are you using or what techniques are you using to help you lose weight? I love myfitnesspal because it helps moderate everything for you. You can also download it on almost any newer phone…