

  • I think you may not know exactly how many calories your body is actually needing each day. Try going to the scooby calorie calculator and plug in your info. See what it figures up as your daily TDEE. That us what your daily calorie needs are. If you eat at that level everyday,…
  • divediva2, thanks for all your help!!!
  • Ok, so I am trying to figure all this stuff out for both me and my husband. We are going to do this together. We both need to get healthier, and neither of us eat enough during the day and have messed up our metabolism. I went to Scooby's Calculator and figured out my TDEE (3264) WOW, that seems so high! My husband's is…
  • I love almonds, and have a family member who can't have peanuts, so we do almond butter instead. I can also add an apple a day. I will look up the book, thanks!
  • Thanks for the tips and encouragement. I have not totally cut out dairy and gluten, but have cut them way down. I have oatmeal for breakfast and eat 12 grain bread. I also still eat yogurt and a little shredded cheese here and there. Cheese is my weakness. I will pretty much eat anything with cheese in or on it. I also…