astattonhunt Member


  • Okay, this is going to sound weird, but take a couple of days off. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and getting no results. It could be a lot of things. Have you started any medication that you weren't on? Have you changed anything in your diet at all? i changed the type of stevia I was using and started…
  • I'm having the same problem, I found Stevia replaces the sugar just fine, but I do so like my cream brulee coffee creamer. Plus I use way to much 3 ounces last time I had coffee the creamer alone was 245 calories! Let me know if you find anything that tastes even close. I do know that my husband and I could not find a best…
  • There's nothing wrong with a glass or two of alcohol. Even Jesus drank wine. I love wine my husband and I were married at a winery, do I drink it everyday, no, but if I want a glass of wine I'm going to have it. Tannin's give me a headache so I can only have about two glasses anyway. My problem came in with regular…
  • QUOTE: Hi, I'm Anna and I love to read, and love to write. I'm a young adult author. My second book, OF TRITON, releases Tuesday May 28th and I'm super excited. I usually read young adult, but sometimes I read and write adult romance. My fave books are Shatter Me by Tahera Mafi and Divergent by Veronica Roth. My publisher…
  • Hi I'm Angela I'm from Missouri I'm currently unemployed so reading is something I can do without spending too much money. My husband says I'm a book addict, lol I say i spend less on books than he does on his running, so go run and leave me alone. He's one of those people that will eat like 2000 calories at dinner and…
  • Nope, right there with you. I tried the Fage peach split cup. I was able to eat it, but the second cup of yogurt I bought along with that one got thrown in the trash. Yuck, I don't know what all the hype is about. Not enough flavor, I don't mind the thickness so much, but the flavor sucks!
  • jam_marie19, I've had a great experience with Garcina Cambogia, I've written several blogs on my experience this past week. I didn't change my eating at all and haven't exercised and lost 3.6 pounds. This first week my only focus was to track my calories and take the Garcina Cambogia. I haven't even taking it correctly as…
  • Mirita, it's hard to say without knowing more about you. After I broke my back my rehab trainer kept telling me to suck in my lower abs or upper abs depending on what we were working on I found I could on my upper abs but not my lower abs. There's this thing call muscle memory and when a muscle isn't used for an extended…
  • If your discs are just bulging you may try Spinal Decompression, unlike removing the discs with surgery it takes all the pressure off the discs and allows them to heal. Once your discs have ruptured spinal decompression doesn't work nearly as well. We have a Clinic in Springfield MO that does it, called Cherry Health…