

  • I've been at this for almost 4 weeks steady now - and I think I've had pretty good results. And while I don't dedicate a whole day to "cheating" - I haven't deprived myself of something that I wanted. I figure as long as it's not something consistent that you indulge in EVERY day then you'll still end up losing weight.…
  • I hit the gym at least 5 times a week. And in the last three weeks its been working pretty well. I will switch it up day by day, either changing machines, or doing different classes. Right now I'm doing strength training once a week, but planning on increasing that to twice a week starting in Feb. And even though it's only…
  • I was diagnosed Celiac just over 3 years ago - and while its an adjustment, its even gotten a lot better in those three years. I had the blood test - and it was also positive. When I went in for my biopsy, the GI doc said that it looked like it was Celiac, but still needed to wait for the biopsy results for a definite…
  • My starting weight is really similar to yours - I was 215 and down to 206 about two weeks after restarting this site. I have my goal weight set for 160. Its been a looooong time since I've been there. Well over 10 years. I can't even remember when the scale last read that. Once I hit that - I'm going to re-evaluate and…
  • My soon to be ex-husband was definitely bad for me when it came to food. He could eat three times what I ate every meal and still not have to worry about gaining weight. He also was obsessed with food, always wanting me to eat more and making sure I ate every meal. I would tell him that I want to lose weight and he'd use…
  • Weekly! At the gym! Don't even have a scale in my house. Only because I'd still get discouraged seeing a higher number than I want even though I know weight fluctuates daily.
  • I'm gluten free as well Three years ago I was diagnosed with Celiac - and after eating whatever I wanted for almost 30 years it was quite the switch. But I've noticed that even those 3 short years the options for food has increased so much. There is way more available and finding gluten free food in stores seems to be way…
  • My fav are the jalapeno ones...I had them in Vegas - but haven't seen that flavour here :(