g4genn Member


  • LOL, hopefully you still had a fun night before your liver kicked your *kitten*. Livers are awesome and so useful. :wink: I would go with water weight. You ate usual foods. Your system is holding itself together. You get extra pounds. But help your liver and kidneys process the toxins and eat real food a little while, help…
  • OMG That made me laugh. I love the new word. It think I will use it from now on. Douchebaggery. It's priceless.
  • I often use vanilla or plain yogurt to replace butter.
  • I have to agree on the Rawrrr, very hot. What's your hip to waist ratio?
  • Bad idea. IMO. Your body needs nutrients to function, lose weight, be healthy. Would you accept your child or your elderly parent being feed the same food as what you eat? Why not? You are also more likely to continue to retain fat around your waist when you eat refined food. An processed foods are food which contain…
  • by the way, feel free to add me to your friends list if you share your diary.
  • Because it's hard, really hard. many of us are addicted to food yet we need it to function anyway. It does get easier but in three months, sometimes 6 months, sometimes a year. Help yourself by taking all processed food out of your house and all sugar food out. Keep dark chocolate, berries and low fat yogurts on hand as…
  • eat more fruit. cut out cheese
  • Ok s you binged. You didn't kill anyone. So beating yourself up and get back on track. In the future, when you want to binge, try planning ahead and have healthy snacks before you stuff our face. ( I mean that with love and care)
  • thefitgirls.com/calories-burned-calculator.aspx You an calculate your calories burnt here and add them to MFP. That's what I do seeing as MFP doesn't have landscaping, painting or window washing.
  • I love using the bands. You can adjust to increase your weight slowly while building up you strenght.
  • I always look at the ingredients. to Me, natural means that all the ingredients can be found outside without having to be put through a huge facility to create a newer version of it. When I can buy organic, I try to do this as well as there is a correlation between pesticide use and add/adhd symptom increase.
  • SO true. You ca also try cocoa powder and stevia. Mix in blender, refrigerate and consume. So delicious, it's in the south beach diet book but with ricotta. googlee South beach Ricotta Crème Desserts, there are plenty of sweet options. For savory, mix with any chunky food you like roast beef, stew or chili /spagheti sauce
  • The XL Tim Horton's hot chocolate. So delicious yet so many calories 530 calories in 24 oz , 810 sodium, 101 carbs and 86 sugar. Yeah I love it but it SO CRAZY!!!! I had one once a ay when I was at work. No wonder I was getting fatter...
  • do crossfit on ur own http://www.crossfit.com/ modify with what you have on hand.
  • i'm in if u share ur food diary.:happy:
  • if u share ur food diary, i would love to have u as a friend. :)
  • Hi, feel free to add me as long as your diary is open to your friends. I believe in accountability and honesty.
  • Franco-Canadian And it's franco Canadian for to many generations to count back. The oldest record bring some of our family back to 1600.
  • Add light weight training 3-5 times a week or join a crossfit gym for 3 months.
  • For jeans, go Old navy. They have short versions (I'm 5:2) and have a stretchy fabric that hugs your curves in wonderful ways. And they are affordable feel free to add me too. Amazing on the weight loss, kind of freaky. 30 lbs in 60 days. WOW!!!
  • You sexy girl. You should buy new ones and throw out the old ones now. You know they fit, now get lacy ones. You'll love it. :)
  • oh yeah and goat cheese on crackers like wheat thins. So delicious and you can get it in higher fats. All cheeses and chicken thighs
  • Mediterranean yogurt (8 to 10% fat) nut butter like cashew and almond on graham crackers with honey or jam tzatziki with nacho chips hummus with olive oil on ciabatta bread fried eggs on stone ground bread with ketchup avocado with lime juice and olive oil apricots and dried fruits cereal like vector fruit leathers…
  • umm you have three options, one, power through it. Find other option and keep busy. You goal is right there. You can do it. two or binge, eat as much ice cream, cake or whatever it is you wanted to eat, you can possibly eat after eating an entire english cucumber and 2 cups of broccoli. and enjoy every bite. three, eat a…
  • ok as for advice, friend Myphoto. He's awesome at keeping up on your for your sugar and providing alternatives if you need them. Let him know I told him you should friend him and you need a stickler to help you quit sugar. Good luck, I am trying to master it but it's really hard. It's worth it though. Are you giving up…
  • OMG you almost made me pee my pants. Does willing to do it for sugar make you an addict?
  • That's right baby, We are free-er then you can imagine, Bare breast everywhere (cause it's legal in Ontario) :wink: and pubic bones walking down the street. Wait WHAT??? Just kidding, although it really is legal. You can even feed you baby ANYWHERE you want. Libertien, heathens we are. :laugh: I have to say I have never…
  • Robert, that is phenominal. Amazing work. I'm so impressed. You lost so many inches, it's incredible. I hope to do so well. Thanks for the inspiration. : ) We all need it sometimes, especially when the scale is not our friend.
  • Rule of thumb to see if it's creepy, divide your age by two and add 7. That's the youngest you should date if you don't want to look freaky. 60 /2 =30 30+7=37 You are SO in the clear. You get him you hot tomaly. :)