

  • Jeff Galloway Training worked the best for me!!! Never a runner...but had a cause to start running and raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation through a 1/2 marathon...In the middle of the training, found out I was pregnant...With the help of Jeff Galloway's program, I finished my first Half Marathon, 5…
  • Not sure if I can blame the barefoot running on this, but I experienced a horrible case of Plantar Fasciitis after experimenting with a month of slowly incorporating barefoot running into my routine. My PF, left as soon as I returned to my regular regime with my mizunos full time. I'm not an "athlete", just an "exerciser"…
  • I have to eat chocolate daily. I run harder and lift harder just so I can have it... I know if I deprive myself of it, I'll gorge on it, so I have a little each day....nestle dark chocolate semi sweet morsels, I eat 3-5 tablespoons of them, sometimes I throw some raisins and raw almonds in too...
  • I really love my little amphipod that slips onto the side of my shorts with a clip. I think it's 8 oz. Everyone is different, but I find if I am hydrated really well, I only need a lil gatorade mixed with water (or whatever refueling drink you like) after about an hour being out there. Everyone's body is different, you…
  • Don't! Hold on! The feeling of your success when you see the pounds lost, when you look in mirror, or, when those jeans are a little saggy...feels better than any soda or junk food you will EVER it!!! You can do it!