kindlewalker Member


  • I was always fit when I was young. I wrestled in college. But I wasn't much of a partier or drinker, much more interested in working on something with people than just hanging out. So that really limited my appeal to most people, it still does. But I have spent decades trying to fit in and only got anxiety disorder and 60…
  • i don't think you are alone among people who quit smoking. I imagine it is very frustrating to trade one health risk for another. The only thing I can suggest is lots of exercise. Endorphin (produce during exercise) can be pretty addictive too, but from what I understand there are no bad side effects. You just need to find…
  • 44 is young. You can be fit and running along the beach or hiking in mountain meadows in months. If you can walk, you can get fit and slim. If you think you are old now (and you are not), think about what it would be like to be 80 years old and carrying around extra weight. Old people who are overweight are prisoners…
  • I've tried something like this and it was very effective. I'm trying to lose about 2 pounds per week and without exercise I can eat 1280 calories and I have a good day. If I put my base daily calories into 12 snack bags , how big 1200 calories is is very understandable to me. I can see it there on the table in front of me.…
  • Congratulations! I'm looking forward dropping below the obese level in a couple of months. You are an inspiration!
  • It is great that you are losing weight, but skinny doesn't equal sexy. Sexy can be anything from Katie Couric to Adelle. Women can be beautiful at any size. Don't know what to say about your husband. A horny woman is a great turn on for me. Hope you two get together on this.
  • I think you look pretty.
  • I'll have to figure out how to open my records for your. Knowing someone is watching would help keep me focused I think. In April, way before I found mfp, I started a blog about my efforts to lose weight: I think it helped me get started, but most of the weight I have lost came after I…