pdanko1972 Member


  • Thank you so much how did you do it ? I felt like such an idiot I couldn't figure it out ....
  • I wanted to say I am down 62 pounds with another 50 to goal, I began my journey in June 2012, I wish I could figure out how to just post the pics and not the links to them but I haven't been able to....... october16,2011 http://i1275.photobucket.com/albums/y458/pdanko1972/Facebook/October…
  • Stephen King .... The Stand, I read it years ago and it is my all time favorite book
  • I buy 100 calorie packs of sweets and 100 calorie fudge bars to take care of my sweets cravings try it it helps also trying on clothes renews your strength and will power, I have done this at 11 pm before hang in there you are worth it !!!!!
  • I use lemon or crystal light
    in water Comment by pdanko1972 July 2012
  • yeah I am kinda thinking i am not eating enough. i am not hungry. I think though I I am going to try upping my net calories everyday for the next 3 weeks and see what the results are
  • Well what I have been doing is working out every time i start to feel it coming on, it's hard but i force myself. I also take a small dose of prozac everyday and make sure I never let it last longer then a day that I feel like doing nothing. Another thing I do is go try on clothes lol it is such an eyeopener as to what I…
  • Well if you really want to be with him, and truly feel you are just being jealous, then you should ask him where y'all are going and what time cause if he is "friends" with his ex and you are his girlfriend you should be more then welcome at this birthday dinner. If you are not welcome then get out of the situation.
  • I started the 30 day shred 3 days ago and the first day I had a hard time finishing , each day it has gotten a little easier. Let me tell you though I feel EVERY muscle on my body right now every muscle on my body right now, even my butt hurts. I would someday like to do insanity myself , but personally i believe you have…
  • Well I have the same problem, I started by not buying any junk that I like to eat, so now if i really feel the urge to eat something late I have some 100 calorie packs on hand along with carrots and celery so I can grab a quick snack depending what I am in the mood for. I also look at my food diary for the day and remind…